
This is one of the dumbest ideas I've heard. I guess "90/90/1 rule" sounds nice so it must work. Seriously? I'm supposed to work on my novel at work for 90 minutes? Derp-a-derp-a-doo!

Now I can finally experience the sounds of a coffee shop on the beach that's on fire.

Did it come with white rim Oakley's and a flat-bill energy drink hat?

There's a hole in my life that can only be filled by a feminist that laughs at death cam footage.

Good lord you want to meet commentors from Jezebel and Gawker?

I feel schools do a terrible job of setting expectations for their majors. I think it's better to talk to people who actually do jobs that you are interested and maybe even intern in a few. This will give you a decent idea of what to expect in the future before you even begin classes.

There is still a huge amount of prep work that's not accounted for and multiple coats of paint. 95% of the time was just work on the cabinets from stripping to sanding.

I had sink and toilet problems since my father had one of his guys install them, they installed them incorrectly and insisted on using a wax sealant that dried out over time and couldn't withstand vibrations (garbage disposal), and my toilet wasn't properly fastened to the ground. Either way not having to keep a

Yes. Just as every other parent does too. Get over yourself.

Ha, and they even have room for the cars!


Well, that wouldn't be possible according to "science as we know it now." Speculating about things that are impossible according to science as we know it now can be fun, but is also kind of pointless: it's basically the same as just claiming the aliens are all magicians, and have cast invisibility spells on their