
Ok, so I’m not exactly an astrophysicist or anything, but I’ve got some education on this topic. Zones of old stars, like the red dwarf areas mentioned above aren’t going to have any of the ingredients necessary to support macro scale life. These red dwarfs haven’t been around long enough to deplete their hydrogen

Nemesis Games - James SA Corey

One ring's shadows would remain in the same place, but if the rings were rotating as suggested, a single point on the surface of the shaded ring would pass the shadow twice every rotation. This is assuming you had two rings set perpendicular to one another in order to maximize light received.

Some people around these parts fiercely guard their privacy. This came up a few years back when Google+ rolled out and suddenly, no one from the O-Deck wanted to use their real names.

When I was a kid, we were very poor. I remember the pastor of our church handing my mother a check every week so we would have money to eat.

There are about 3*10^21 photons of sunlight per square meter reaching the earth, yet we can barely capture enough energy to power a cell phone. Gathering energy this way is terribly inefficient, at least with current technology.

I see the point you are trying to make but I tend to disagree. Indeed, Shae was principled and stood up for what she wanted, and yes that was admirable. In the show, Tyrion understood that sticking to your honorable morals doesn't pay off in Westeros, having witnessed Ned Stark's demise. Shae was upset that Tyrion

Like everyone else, I was hooked on Lost when it first came out. I couldn't make it past a few seasons. There were just too many blatantly ignored mysteries. During the first season, it was what is the black smoke monster? Why the fuck is there a polar bear on this island? Second season, who's this guy? What's in the

Don't do a wikipedia search on the main character, or else you'll literally spoil the whole show for several seasons. It's very well done.

Ah shit. I guess if the Admiral is gonna be in AoS, I gotta start watching that show, cause sometimes you gotta roll the hard six. Whatever the fuck that means. I don't care... it sounds legit.

Batman is super powered. His power is the ability to refuse to die. There are so many times when Batman is on the absolute brink of death and he just.... says nope.

Now what would really be funny is if they put Firefly vs. Dr. Who. This site loves Dr. Who as much as it loves Firefly.

Get it! It's so good! Definitely one of the most exciting books I've ever read. It reads so quick, you won't be able to put it down.

I'm a defense contractor. We don't get paid the enormous sums of money you people think we do. Every year our jobs seem to be on the chopping block and because of that October and January are nervous months. We aren't evil, money grubbing, soul suckers. 99% of us are prior military.

Oh Katee, Katee... I had such high hopes for you. I really thought you would not fall into the B-film sharknado black hole. Please climb out, we love you.

I think WWII played a huge role in the current state of dislike between America and France, while relations with the UK turned out the opposite. It's definitely interesting. Speaking from a military culture background here, Americans like to rib the French because they appeared to just roll over when the Germans

Judging from the list of upcoming titles, it seems Fantasy is what's hot. This makes my fun hurt. Where are the aliens and robots???

Gust Front - John Ringo I've read this at least 3 times, maybe 4, I can't quite remember. Ignore the notoriously bad cover art. All the Baen books are terrible looking. I just love the action in this book. It's where Ringo really hit his stride.

James, let me just go ahead and say congratulations. It's awesome to see you doing the Morning Spoilers. I'm really happy for you and hope they use you more. You do great work around here.

My sister has this. When she was young, she had many circles on her tongue and it looked pretty cool. As she got older, the patterns became more like the second picture.