Sam Worthington: "...And that's all I really want to say on that."
Sam Worthington: "...And that's all I really want to say on that."
Hey man, It's like we always said, "No Comms, No Bombs."
Sorry, but I disagree. Those bombers seem like a limited resource and if I were the enemy commander, I would hesitate to send a very valuable weapon into a fight blindly. The enemy made the smart move and cut their losses and ran in the face of a potentially very effective new enemy tactic.
I still love this show, even though it's not quite up to par with some of the other SciFi classics. There's just something about it I guess.
Dark Energy is used to explain the fact that there doesn't appear to be enough stuff in the universe, the math doesn't add up. He's trying to explain that by saying maybe there's just a billion billion more planets than were ever expected.
This looks like the ideal spot for the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity, forget the planned crater... go here!
Awww, how cute. The Navy's getting a a movie too.
Yup, this guy is dead broke! He got all MCHAMMERED!
If I wanted that kind of interaction, I would be on YouTube right now.
Unless those die-hard tweens bring their adolescent fanatical rage here with them. The last thing we need is:
Regarding Twilight: "Here's a poster."
He was too busy touring with Creed.
How is this any different than current Pseudo Random Noise Generators? This kind of thing has been around for a long time for digital data comm. I guess no one thought of applying it to radar before?
Per capitca, in this case 675K people total in the state.
Her skill as an actress is still debatable.
I agree with you here. But it just doesn't seem to be in the cards for the time being. People still love superheroes for the same reason they always loved superheros. Comics have just become their de facto home. Lately, movies have been starting to gobble them up a little more. I think once we see a for real, comic…
Yes, this bike looks bad ass. There is nothing wrong with moving a character and art style forward into a new interpretation. It happens all the time with comics. I think a modern Ghost Rider should have a nasty, madmax, monstrosity of a bike rather than the tired old way too faddish chopper. And besides, choppers…
I get what you're saying Mr. Gravy Boat.