
Wow, I really wasn't expecting something like this. I've kept my Cap movie interest to a minimum, fearing that this movie would be another wash, something less than worthwhile. After reading this review though, I might shell out the moola (and the time) to go see this in the theaters.

I was really worried that I might be a creep after seeing the title image and thinking "Wow, Dakota Fanning is really hot now." It's a good thing I read the article and realized that I'm not a creep because that's Amanda Seyfried... an of age woman.

But Gattaca was responsible for my favorite movie quote of all time!

That's why it's called "dystopian."

This book was the bomb when I was about 16. And yes, I say the bomb because that's how you described awesome things back then.

///Violent Nerdgasmn Spasms///

When they re-released the remastered original Alien in theaters I made the mistake of going by myself.

Is it just me or is Summer Glau looking better the older she gets?

You've just highlighted the real reason none of this ever happened. These kinds of adventures cost astronomical amounts of cash and produce zero profit.

Yes, Kate makes these movies watchable.

Derechos have also been known to cause completely unnecessary use of bold, large format text.

YESYESYESYESYESYES good call. Greasy solar atoms... gotta watch out for those.

.... and you are failing at English.

Brilliant suggestion.

You see... this stuff can be just as entertaining as regular science fiction. I would have kept reading just to see how far it would go.

This just in:

@Deadpool, It's probably inappropriate to name the unit I deployed with; Intel ... go figure.