Emperor Trump

Another idea: all red-eye flights should be baked the fuck out! Amirite?

Damn it, you idiot. +1

Even Whitney Houston would have been impressed by seeing a line taken like that.

Too soon?

Keep scrolling...

Just a little further...

I knew those moves looked familiar

Don’t forget the dress socks!

Thanks for being one of the few writers that shows some journalistic integrity, Anna. Always enjoy reading your work here on the Slit.

Apologies. I misread your statement. We are on the same side. Your nuts were never numb. They were always very sensitive.

Oh my. That 4th goal. So cheeky.

If you really want to know.

Agreed with all that except for the last sentence, and I am him.

What do you know? Another Gawker site perpetuating police hatred in honor of their Black Lives Matter predilections...

Joe Six Pack is still entitled to his privacy rights, numb nuts.

California doesn’t care about affording celebrities legal protection? Ha. Hahahaha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Ha.

There are such things as phone records, pings, and cell phone towers. Not too hard to discover under rules of procedure...

For some godforsaken reason my pictures didn’t post the first time and gizmo won’t let me edit so here’s an addendum.

It’s always cold in the desert at night.

Yeah, I’m with you scratching my head...

More accurate.

No one is “put out” by missing a Browns game.