Emperor Trump

Most of your comment stands, but look at the data about who is “more likely to be shot and killed.” There is no racial disparity in the percentage of fatal cop shootings of suspects.

Would have been a better comment if your username had been AllLivesMatter...

Like a log rotating within the porcelain throne’s vortex.

Really, Delonte in the 3rd tier? I heard he and Gloria made it in the lower bowl...

This article is such clickbait. The moth was in no way the cause of Cristiano’s injury.

Also, Movies/TV Shows featuring Tom Hardy and Cillian Murphy together:

Dempsey should play because he can still actually score goals for the team regardless of how his style of play has changed.

Well played. You’ll be the first one I put on the other side of the wall.

I know this is Deadspin and all, but I’m going to hold off on making a joke until we find out for sure whether this guy survived the night. That was scary.

Horvath, Birnbaum, Besler, Brooks, Yedlin, Nagbe, Pulisic, Wood, Kitchen, Zardes, Dempsey


fouling is the right decision there 100% of the time

That’s what you get for making a sensible counterpoint to the author/moderator.

Also, if your friend dares you to put your dick in the dispenser doors, don’t do it. Don’t ask why. Just trust me.

Why some comments remain in the greys will always confound me.

Also, if the country is as long as it appears to be with such little width, it should not have very many timezones. Yet, plenty of scenes in the show jump from Dorne during the day to the Wall where it is the middle of the night back to King’s Landing where it is the afternoon to the Iron Islands where it is early

Perhaps there were two shooters. Should probably go back and watch the Zapruder angle. Be on the lookout for the grassy knoll.

They look vicious, especially the bottom one with the chin beard. It might take them a couple of weeks, but I’m sure they could put away a Ramsay-sized adult.

Thank you for understanding syntax.