Emperor Trump

My first point? That the army avoided Rickon’s body is hardly a truther point; it was just an observation, really.

All that leads me to is that Littlefinger arrived at the camp where Sansa had waited behind. They rode to the battlefield together once the Knights of the Vale had mobilized.

1. Kudos to Jon’s army on carefully steering their horses so as not to trample Rickon’s perforated corpse.

ALTERNATE ALTERNATE THEORY TIME: Someone just ripped major ass right in his face and these were tears of pain and also deep, deep respect. The guy who patted his head was the one who tore his boxer shorts with atomic flatulence.

The best part is they didn’t even qualify for the f’ing tournament. Their fans just showed up to sing ABBA’s greatest hits in the streets prior to every game.

To be clear, if the doctors thought there was any way he might make it, I would have taken that chance. I truly would have put myself through anything. What I came to accept was the fact that I would never get to be this little guy’s mother—that if we came to term, he would likely live a very short time until he

Because it’s also her job to be DTF for her bosses and audience, and most of her career that has been a get out of jail free card. This time, though, she may have F’d her last D (on-air at least).

Agreed. Stu Holden commented that he believed it was repayment for an earlier attempt in the game by the Jamaican striker to embellish an obvious flop in the box.

Sorry, but no miss will ever be worse than Wondo’s.

+1 Kleenex

Sorry for the delayed reply, but had to come back and point out that this post is a flaming sack of horse-shit.

Hindsight is 20-20 of course, but the theory that we had plenty of strikers at the World Cup in 2014 sure exploded into fucking oblivion when Jozy went down in the first 20 minutes. Our offensive strategy splintered into kicking the ball up to Dempsey on every goddamn play and waiting for a potential rebound off of

I’ll still never understand what in the fucking fuck Klinsman was doing by putting Brad Davis on this roster over Landon Donovan.

The ones after she shitfaced giggled her way into a DUI. 😳

Well said, Rom.

Which is half as fast as Chris Christie can grow additional chins...

Cory Batey wishes all he received was a ban from football for the rest of his life, but unfortunately for Cory—he was born black...