
best quote from the news clip:

Crazy Ex Girlfriend had a good abortion plotline IMHO. Not angsty or overdramatic, just a character trying to decide on what is right for her. She uses the pill, IIRC, and it’s pretty lowkey.

With Kanye you shouldn’t call it a boycott. That will just feed into his persecution complex. For Kanye I really like the “mute” wording. I’m not boycotting you. I’ve just forgotten you exist completely.

Here’s the long version of why it bothers me:

Methinks they’re confusing being teased with being bullied. Everyone is teased at some point or another.

I miss old Gawker and the Best Restaurant in New York series. This memory is brought to you by the time they ate in the American Girl store.

If Hillary gets paid for speeches, she’s a greedy bitch. If she gets paid less, she’s a failure. If she goes away (to, say, walk in the woods) she’s ridiculed. If she writes a book. If she trips while on vacation. If she has pneumonia. If she wears makeup. If she doesn’t wear makeup. She’s the patron saint of Women

This is why this is why I absolutely refuse to watch her stupid show. I will not support this wack-a-doo Trump supporter. It’s also serious bullshit that she put some little Black girl in the show to act as a buffer against the obvious fact that Trump supporters are racist. She’s disgusting and she can go choke for

I have consumed everything and am waiting for some new shows.

This is interesting...the You Must Remember This podcast about Jean (Seberg) and Jane (Fonda) was quite good.

Conservative Democrats getting elected in conservative districts where previously there were ultra-conservative (or just radical) Republicans is still a win. Voting with you sometimes is better than voting with you never.

Jane Krakowski is more age appropriate as Mrs. Potts than Angela Lansbury was! Chip is supposed to be Mrs. Potts son! He’s like, iunno, 7 and Mrs. Potts is, what, 70? That doesn’t make sense!

No one uses Excel to plan their wedding...its definitely a Google Sheet. How else can you both check it when you’re randomly panicking about it at work?!

Warning to adults everywhere. These kids are really smart and really good at the social media, stop screwing with them.

Man I cry every time. (Yea I know, TV show.)

All summer popcorn flicks should be ranked on a scale from 0 to The Mummy(1999).

I wouldn’t classify it as a horror movie, it’s more of a psychological thriller. Anyway, I enjoyed it and I don’t like horror movies either.