
This is adorable actually 

I am a 37 year old white male indie rock/ old school punk fan that could recite that Toni Braxton record front and back without breaking a sweat.

Now playing

in a world where so many things are bad, we are truly blessed to have Maya Rudolph’s wonderful readings in our lives.

A church doing bad things because the people in the church are assholes is different than a church doing bad things because it is a core principle of the faith, although I agree that in practice, it isn’t much different.

Lots of religions are neutral to positive about homosexuality and transgender issues. Most of these are Eastern religions (e.g. Hinduism, Confucianism), indigenous religions, or other non-JudeoChristian religions (Wiccan, Satanism).

You’re right that basically any religion has some badness in its past (or present), and

It isn’t beliefs which make an organization a cult, it’s practices. Believe whatever unsubstantiated nonsense you want, but the minute you start taking everything a person owns, alienating them from loved ones, kidnapping people, threatening people, you’re a fucking cult.  Scientology is a cult.  Look up the things

Also came here to say this. It’s unfortunate that a website that regularly (and justly) bashes Woody Allen has a blind spot about MJ.

i’m sorry everyone, it’s me - i’m the one that’s streamed it a few hundred times to push it over the edge. i can’t help it though! “take it to the limit” is my calm down song

One - the Eagles are a great band and Two: they (afaik) werent child abusers. 

Thanks, but it’s really selfish... I do it when I’m in a rage about the world and feel like everything is garbage and I need to do something in my control to make it a tiny bit less of a dumpster fire. My mood is improved, other people’s day is improved, we all win. But my motivation is usually MAKE THE HURT STOP FOR

“Hello, I’d like to join your women’s movement.”

Yes. Repeatedly. And I think we are going to fucked for at least 40 years. Oh, and not only did Bernouts want to pretend that control of the Supreme Court didn’t matter, 12% actually took revenge on Hillary (and the rest of the country) by voting for Trump. They made Trump president to spite Hillary.

While you’re at it, F*ck everyone who JUST DIDN’T VOTE in 2016.

Fuck everyone who didn’t vote for Clinton and fuck everyone who called women single issue voters.

Goodbye abortion rights...

Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities! What Do they Know? Do They Know Things? Let’s find out! :)

Someone once tweeted that “per my last email...” is polite-speak for “bitch can you read” and truer words were never...tweeted

A garment fitting well and fitting tightly are not synonymous. I too think that Meghan Markel’s dress looked ill-fitting but not because it wasn’t “tight.”