
Re: Santa Barbara weather. This is not unusual. It is on a peninsula and often gets foggy/windy. Also, there is a phenomenon called “June Gloom” in Southern California where (as you might expect) it is usually chilly and overcast - much to the disappointment of out-of-state tourists. Source: when to college in Santa

Jane Krakowski can sing, Kelsey Grammer can talk on pitch (he got great reviews for his performance of Captain Hook in Peter Pan on Broadway a few years ago which involved some singing), and Zoey Deschanel has 3+ albums with the band She & Him, although I don’t think her voice is quite right for this role. I would

This is being done at the Hollywood Bowl, they do abridged versions of Broadway shows with Hollywood actors every summer. I have seen Hairspray with John Stamos and Nick Jonas and The Producers with Jessie Tyler Furgeson and Rebecca Romijn. Admittedly the singing isn’t usually super strong but it’s fun and kind of kamp

I wouldn’t classify this as “scary” like horror or even slasher films. It’s much more suspenseful - think more Rear Window or Stepford Wives, less Saw or Paranormal Activity.

I was coming here to post the exact same thing.

The prosecutor would likely let him plea and he would do a few days of community service. No trial or insanity defense necessary.

Well, pre-school age children are usually between the ages of 2 and 4. This is the age range that we begin to develop the ability to form memories and still have a difficult time separating fantasy from reality. Dylan was about 7 years old when she claims the incident occurred, children that age are much better at

Came here to say the same thing. I think these are a vast improvement to the mid-calf flat UGGs of the early aughts.

I can’t speak for OP but when I try that it actually makes it WORSE- like somehow the oils/dirt in my hair combine with the water and I end up with greasy clumps of lank hair. I have tried this as part of my normal routine, while on vacation, I’ve tried showing at night, in the morning, blow-drying, air-drying - it’s

Cosigned by a fellow fine-straight-haired person.

I’m glad to know it’s not just me and my mom who have noticed that.

I was coming here to say this as well. Even if I gave the OP the benefit of the doubt about “how hard it is to be a man and not be able to pickup on a woman’s signals, boo-hoo-hoo” it is still wildly inappropriate behavior for a workplace. The writer is a journalist, she was interviewing these men and doing her JOB.

They did. The house has had a few owners since SW died. The first was someone who bought it in the ‘20s right after her death and charged admission for people to just wander through the house. It was sold again in the ‘60s, then the ‘80s and each owner has prioritized different angles of her story. When I was there in

Same! I’m always so sad when a season of YMRT ends and I have to wait months for it to come back. The Dead Blondes series and the Mason series are amazing - although I’m also partial to Star Wars and the Many Loves of Howard Hughes for the less true-crimey stuff.

I can speak to the movie theaters - they were sold a couple of years ago and they’re supposed to be torn down to put in a new fancy shopping/residential development similar to Santa Row across the street. It’ll be a real end of an era for me when those theaters are gone.

It was all sold in a private auction. She was a very private person and didn’t allow any pictures inside the house so it’s impossible to track down the items she owned and they had to furnish it with period appropriate pieces. It’s a bummer. If you’re looking for cool, old, fancy stuff definitely go to Hearst Castle!

We used to have people on the tour ask us when she if she had put the movie theaters in. Or ask us why she built the house so close to the freeway. Mind you, she didn’t start building until the 1880s and she died in 1922 -_-

It’s a really cool house and Sarah Winchester was a really innovative, kooky, sad, and secretive lady. I personally don’t think the house is haunted at all, but a few the groundskeepers and maintenance guys swear they’ve seen things. The basement is supposed to be pretty active with the ghost of one of her workers and

Oh, and the arcade was still there in my day (mid- 00's) but then it was converted into a wine room or something and now it’s a shooting gallery. It’s a strange place and not just because of Sarah Winchester.