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it already exists! it’s called Another Period! and it’s perfect!!!!

The biggest news in this article is that Amazon is doing a series called The Romanoffs and holy shit am I ready for that.

Whoever is running against these three men should have at least 50% of their ads pointing out that they couldn’t even vote to protect young athletes from sexual abuse, and the ad should finish with “Why? Who is Justin Amash/Thomas Massie/Mark Sanford trying to protect? Because it’s certainly not our children from

This neither stuffs the pockets of the rich nor hastens the deaths of the poor, so I’m actually kinda shocked it got through the House.

I went from neutral to anti-Jordin Sparks after that comment. That was hateful and hurtful for no good reason. I irrationally hate her the way some people hate Gwenyth Paltrow.

I was over her when she was cast as the Witch in Into The Woods. Her voice is not good enough. It should have been a shot for some Broadway people. And if Bernadette Peters doesn’t have the vocals anymore (big IF) it should have been Donna Murphy.

I think we’ve officially reached peak-Meryl.

Seeing the Oscar List always reminds me of the painfully accurate spoof one from Bojack Horseman. Props to the ever-green My Father The War Criminal in the Foreign Language Film category.

close all prisons and release inmates, make hospitals free, and open US borders completely

I’m going to question the mental acuity of anyone that votes for Manning with a similar prejudice as a Trump voter.

In an interview with the Guardian, Manning outlines her three main platform positions: close all prisons and release inmates, make hospitals free, and open US borders completely. She’s not messing around.

So because Trump got elected we should just lower the bar all around? Manning just got released. She needs to spend more time in the civilian world demonstrating she’s more than just a name and the Wikileaks case before she can be taken seriously as a senate candidate.

Sets a bad precedent. We need to get away from people with name recognition but literally zero real qualifications running for office. I can’t believe people would say oh well let’s do a Trump, just to get even

More diversity IS good, but candidates matter. They are more than a skin color or gender or sexuality. They are still going to be evaluated on other merits and they should be. They aren’t tokens and elected representatives matter to the people they represent. It’s easy to sit back and say “go girl” when it isn’t your

It also requires competency. In what reality do you think that Manning offers that?

This seems like an appropriate place to share that o have always hated Wahlberg. He oozes smarm.

His “youthful indisgressions” are horrific. When talking about famous black people , some love mention that Jay - Z once sold drugs, and therefore will always be a shitbag, but will absolutely admire Walberg and watch his movies. From Wikipedia:

So will this earn him that dreaded “Difficult To Work With” label that results in your acting career going down the shitter, or at least leaving you glad to get roles in Lifetime movies? Or does that rule only apply to female performers who refuse to do nude sex scenes or touch the director’s pee-pee, not dudebros who

Jane Eyre would be vastly improved if she took that advice.

If milk chocolate was better than dark chocolate it wouldn’t have to be cloyingly sweet. Ill take a smooth earthy psychopath over a sugary masked sociopath any day.