
I ask that you make a quick addition to the headline or the body of the text. This murder occurred in the Washington, DC suburbs. This isn’t rural Virginia. This is 90 minutes from Charlottesville. This is the blue, liberal part of Virginia with an average home price of $429,000. And it is down right horrifying that

Dear Bono: Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

They’re pretty accurate knockoffs of 1970s shearling boots (maybe in the Frye line), that I’m certain 70s style setter Faye Dunaway wore in either “Three Days of the Condor” or “Network” (or both).

Mm, I’ve also been down this road multiple times. I did a full month of not using shampoo, under the supposition that years of shampoo use had trained my hair to produce extra oil and that oiliness would go away after a long enough cleansing (no pun intended) period. I still took showers and rinsed my hair with

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

Women and POC. I remember when I was in HS (mind you, this is 27 years ago). He had a tall, African American male contestant on. The guy was from Stanford (it was college Jeopardy or some shit). And Alex is all...”so are you a basketball player?” And the dude is like “No, asslicker I’m a physics major” (asslicker

I’ve heard that NYT was about to go live with an expose a la Weinstein and NBC got ahead of it by blaming the sudden firing on an internal complaint. That’s all that really makes sense here because for them to do this in the dark of night and for not even his co-anchors to know until mere minutes before air, seems

I am waiting for complaints against Alex Trebek to emerge. He is so condescending to women on Jeopardy, you know that he is a creep.

Shout-out to Ann Curry!!! I hope you are celebrating wherever you are, hon.

Preventing violent men from obtaining deadly weapons they can use to shoot the girlfriends they’re already beating seems like an easy one!?! Come on guys. We can do this.

I fully endorse a WOC Barbie that stabs people for fun/a living. I’m not even kidding.

Chipotle is overrated trash!!!!!

“We don’t want any assholes around us,” she said, before laying out precisely how to avoid the classic Hollywood problem of a room full of assholes and potential sexual predators intent on maintaining their power via intimidation.

Now playing

I’m seeing a lot of dislike here for the original movie, but if John Hannah shows up to read a W.H. Auden poem every season, I am 100% on board.

My favorite thing (if such a thing exists) about all this awful shit is that I don’t give a fuck if Dustin Hoffman ever works again. Or any of them! If Tom Hanks and Levar Burton are the only men left in the entertainment industry in 18 months, you know, so what? The fate of R. Kelly, Jeremy Piven, et fucking al is

But Olivier allegedly got in that one perfect burn about Hoffman’s OTT method techniques and staying in character. “Have you tried acting, dear boy.”


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Please enjoy Buster Dog attacking as a dino.

My fuzzy little shark is not cool with doorbells, so it’s going to be a long night for her