
I’m not saying we need corn pop diversity. Corn pops aren’t people! But if you’re going to the trouble of making one brown, let it party with the other corn pops, for god’s sake.

OMG I saw the title of this post and instantly thought “I need to rush to the comments to make sure everyone knows to listen to You Must Remember This, especially the Dead Blondes season” just to scan through and see this episode is an interview with Karina Longworth!! So excited!

I’ll bet William Henry Harrison didn’t molest any one during his Presidency. That’s just the vibe I get.

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

I wrote about a different creepy thing last year that happened in this same house, but I can’t find that post anymore (Thanks, Kinja!). Anyway, here’s another one that happened about a year before that other one.

Normally I’d agree, but a guy who would place in the top 40 countries in regards to all-time gold medals if he was a human nation, I’m OK with all the hype. Plus they had to get it all in before Lochte fucked it up.