
Would you guys be saying this if the alleged were a woman?

Thanks so much for your broad stroke comment! I was thinking about how I feel about my body and sex, but then you set me straight by bringing in Leonardo da Vinci. For a second there, I thought that an individual, male or female, has the right to feel what they feel without it automatically being invalidated by a

@hello.kitty: I like the two boats metaphor a lot, thanks for sharing it with this twinkie. =)

@emodwarf: Oops, my "*Venti hip thrust*" at the end didn't make it.

@GunwallsLizzie: Maybe the guy is trying to keep from being (or coming across as) a creepy, insistent jerk? "Oh, darn, well he sure is one lucky guy. Say, have you ever tried the caramel cappuccino here? ...It's especially good right before sex."

@sequined: What if a parent doesn't have a choice but to take his or her toddler on the cross country bus ride? Maybe no one could care for the kid while the parent is on the trip. A long bus ride in general isn't very comfortable or fun, I don't think many people actively choose to bring a toddler along too.

1) I love the pre-play frame of that video.

@Raised-byHeathens: Well, breaking the record might lead to monetary gain/fame/opportunities that come with fame. I'm not saying those make it a smart or balanced decision still, but they could be secondary or even the primary reason.

@Corastacy: rammstein, and a kick in the balls, are my primary reasons for leaning towards an ipod as dj. oh, also more money to spend on smoothies while sitting on a Caribbean beach during the honeymoon. but especially getting nutted - no thanks.

@KatyLou: Her big concern is guests not being able to attend the ceremony or the reception due to roadblocks, or her guests having to take a 1.5 hour detour for what would normally be a 20 minute drive between the 2 venues.

@Ruby_de_la_Booby: What were the other four? I'm compiling a "do play" list for my upcoming wedding, so it makes sense to have to "do not play" one too...

@CassandraSays: Do you get a ton of nasty looks from Asian chicks? My white fiancee gets a lot of "you stole one of ours" looks, even though I'm not exactly a hunk by any standard.

@CassandraSays: I certainly have thanked them, haha. Re: where you grow up, I find that very interesting. I grew up in NYC, so there were a lot of Asians around, but nowhere near as many as say, LA. Even from childhood I generally was resistant to learning Chinese, etc. so I wonder if part of it stems from wanting to

@OrangeCow: While I also disagree with the overall thought, I think I understand where veekee is coming from. It's incredibly hard for Asian Americans to truly assimilate, because their physical appearance will generally always brand them as different, which doesn't help with fighting "outsider" status. I've been

@CassandraSays: I don't think it helps when you grow up in fear that you'll wind up in an arranged marriage. That's my excuse for digging blonde white chicks, anyway. ;) I'm glad my older sisters wore down my parents re: not being interested in dating people of Chinese (or at least Asian) ancestry. Saved me a lot of

@CassandraSays: Snooki is, no offense, very odd looking. She has lumpy potato face happening. I do like that she's very short, though. Our high five is your low five, and I'm cool with that.

@ameliabearhart: I think it tends to be lighter skinned Asian women. I can admit when an Asian chick is attractive, because I'm a straight guy whose glasses work just fine, but I think in these instances attractive and attracted to are different.

@ameliabearhart: Hahaha, yeah. I generally think most Asian chicks look like my sisters.

@velcrosneakers: I think the History Channel had a documentary on Japanese internment a while ago. Does that count?

@LazyHippo: Except the Asian chick is actually kinda attractive. And I say that as an Asian dude who generally shuns racial incest. Snooki is just weird looking. Though now the more I look at Snook-Lee, she does have a similar facial structure. And they're both short and wearing short skirts. Either way, I pick Asian