
i'm hoping that faceoff options include getting to choose the damn formation instead of it being random and forced upon you.

@sioraigra: score! my fiancee is trying to go vegan, and up until daiya she found it very hard to give up cheese. now she uses daiya almost every single day (she still has real cheese sometimes). i knock on Whole Foods a lot, but it's pretty awesome they're the first national place to stock daiya.

@Deanna Lidiya: Have you been to Gobo? I really enjoy the food there. VP2 makes me queasy, though I admit mock meat weirds me out to begin with...

for anyone who thinks all vegan cheese is terrible, you might want to try daiya. i'm not even a vegetarian, and while i don't love cheese in general, daiya is pretty decent. it's not amazing by any means, but especially if you're vegan or lactose intolerant, it's a fair substitute. it smells kinda weird and has an

The NPR article makes some very relevant and balanced points. It's not just about learning how to properly check another player safely (no checking from behind, no leading with your elbow, no checking from behind). It's also about learning how to 1) play smartly (heads up) so you avoid getting caught unaware and 2)