
Thank you for this. I’m ashamed to admit that it’s never occurred to me to tip stadium vendors, despite usually being tip conscious (20% on takeout orders, etc.). From now on I’ll be less of a trash human in the rare instances when I find myself at a game or whatever.

Unfortunately, frontloading like that would carry a prohibitively big liability. Disney/Marvel would be taking on significant financial risk producing new seasons that far in advance with no guarantee viewers follow from Netflix to the new streaming service. Especially after the two year waiting period, which is in

Would they get similar or even better conflict if they’d cast someone of Asian descent to play Danny Rand as a 2nd-generation+ person? I don’t know the comics character at all, so curious about your thoughts.

If her comment is out of place, why are other people engaging positively with it? Why have 8x as many people liked her comment compared to yours?

Wasn’t being glib, my response was very sincere. Seems like maybe you have lost a job due to someone else’s actions? If so, that sucks. Still doesn’t mean that the cause was the company’s reaction, which wouldn’t have happened without the someone’s action in the first place.

Then convince someone with power at AMC to replace this abusive shitbag with someone else as host. He, not Chloe Dykstra or AMC, are at fault here. Help get Hollywood and society to a place where a victim won’t be threatened or blackballed for speaking up about abuse, and where abusers aren’t

Why is this piece so dismissive and mocking (and, honestly, harmful)? Yes, kids are very perceptive and smarter than they’re often given credit for. But they’re also very impressionable and vulnerable, because they’re kids. Adults internalize rape culture, but kids of the age who’d see a talking dog movie are supposed

Hooray for elephant sanctuaries and ethical animal tourism! Thanks for choosing a no-riding elephant experience. For what it’s worth when volunteering for a week at Burm and Emily’s Elephant Sanctuary in Mae Chaem I was told that carrying people is actually very bad for the elephant.

To be clear: I don’t think street harassment or sexual assault is ever okay. And, as this article and Cindy Bishop’s video point out, the onus should never be on the survivor/victim. The harasser is fully responsible for their own shitty actions.

Thank you for sharing that article! As a 2nd/3rd-generation Chinese-American, I heard a lot of my own childhood thoughts/fears/priorities in his words. Even if the accent is different. :)

In case OP doesn’t get to reply: “Dot” is a nickname for Dorchester. Which, oddly enough, is now a bit of an ethnic enclave for Vietnamese-Americans.

The parent comment from Detective Brenda Lee Johnson: “Before a bunch of dudes jump on here and say, “BUT YOU SHOULD JUST BE HONEST WITH THE GUY!” A lot of the times we can’t, because every single one of us has some story of rejecting a guy and getting yelled at or worse.”

Yup, accused. I figured JRW would want to know about the allegation (not definitive proof), regardless.

Sprinkle water on rice (this is to personal preference, I usually do 2-3 tablespoons per serving).

If you haven’t read Neverwhere, also by Neil Gaiman, hoo boy. Highly recommend it - incredible world building and great characters. It’s absurdly full of a sense of wonder and imagination.

I don’t get this. A vote for a particular candidate is a straight up yes or no, purely binary. But why does one’s support have to be all or nothing too? Why should someone get lumped in with Trump supporters if he or she doesn’t go whole hog for Hillary?

Great point about denying the origin of something or not paying the appropriate respect (which would be determined by the originating culture, not the appropriator or the world at large).

Oh wow, thanks for the nuanced and insightful reply, helgaperez! I really appreciate it, and you’ve given me a lot to think about.