Speaking of bad tweets.
Speaking of bad tweets.
I don’t put surfers quite in the same category as people who try to use lounge rafts for actual lounging in the ocean, as at least in theory surfers are more alert about the tide and currents as they’re actuvely using them as a part of their sport. There are a lot of surfers who are just as dumb as the woman in this…
True story. There were also rip tide alerts all over the Island that day, but a stupid visitor thought it was the day to take her child out on a jumbo swan and then not pay attention. (IOW, the seas were not calm, and red tide was keeping most folks away from the water.) Folks on the beach tried to warn her, but she…
I do not understand using a raft like that in open water if it’s not tied to a boat. It’s a fucking dumb thing to do.
He looks good, plus men been wearing dress centuries before it was gender thing
I used an exaggerated expression of regard, and any attempt to turn this into a negative connotation is ridiculous.
I really don’t understand why the birthing process has become so so polemic. Whether you give birth at home or in a hospital there are always going to be risks. Nothing is perfect. This is--to me-- another arm of women’s bullshit perfectionism that they throw onto other women. There are some great births in a hospital…
If this happens, this means that the Mueller Investigation is still on, Healthcare is safe, immigration legislation (the bad one) is dead, Kavanaugh investigation is still alive, this is all very good stuff.
Yeaaah Rafi, that’s cool, but I’m gonna withhold my victory drinks on this one for now (and stick to my sad nihilistic drinks). Gonna wait for results to be official until I even think of celebrating this minor but significant victory.
Andy Lack. He brought Megyn over (and Greta VanSustern to MSNBC.) It was part of a plan to turn NBC into Fox-lite. He was also on the verge of firing Lawrence O’Donnell and Joy Reid when their skyrocketing rating in Trump’s first year saved them. And he only turned on Megyn (after defending her through one calamity…
Mild Take: NBC shouldn’t get any credit for firing her for doing what they essentially hired her to do.
She’s not the only one who needs to go. Next needs to be the person who thought Today needed a dash of Stormfront-lite racism, and that $70M/year was a good price for it.
There’s definitely a hypocrisy element at work here: if her ratings were better, this would be smoothed over, etc.
Hot take: Meghan Kelly is being screwed over. Opinions like the one she’s currently in hot water for are exactly why NBC brought her to the network in the first place. They were hoping to get non-Trump conservatives (and white feminists. Lets not forget how gung-ho many of them were for her, including Jezzies, after…
Yes, I was extremely impressed with her fluent Iroquois.
What is your morning routine? Do you get up at 6 a.m., run 12 miles, do a face mask, cook a three-course breakfast,…
Exactly!!! I completely agree. Don’t give the other side fuel for the fire. They deserve it - and more - but that doesn’t mean it should be done.
This is terribly unfair to other people dining at that restaurant, and I wish people wouldn’t do shit like this. It makes us look bad. Yell at him at his office and shit-disturb there. Flood his offices with faxes and phone calls. I agree he doesn’t deserve to enjoy a meal out ever again, but this doesn’t help our…