And there it is, folks. A 20-something sitting on the couch basing their decisions on click bait. I guarantee this person never read Clinton’s plan for the environment before voting.
And there it is, folks. A 20-something sitting on the couch basing their decisions on click bait. I guarantee this person never read Clinton’s plan for the environment before voting.
I respectfully disagree about this noise. The future suggestions are good, but if America wanted good things they would have voted for the most brilliant environmental candidate we’ve ever had (I can elaborate when I’m able to type not on my phone). She won the popular vote, not by enough apparently. She twisted…
I think you’re about 50 percent on track there, but please note even your own version of discussing women: no matter who they are, you have no idea if that woman welcomed comments behind her back. It’s heavily dependent on context, personality, personal norms, relationships and so on. If you don’t believe me just…
If you’re friends, colleagues or semi-teammates with a group of women, pretend to have a friendship / kinship with them to their face, then rate them by fuckability behind their back with your male buddies then yeah, you should be ashamed.
He also won’t let the black woman speak WTF
This is a good start.......but if we want Hillary to win, we need more than a half-blurb on her. The media gives Trump a milllion blurbs a day.
WTF he talked to the M&M..........!!!!🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀
Why would he persecute his own people......
My overall translation would be that it’s women’s responsibility to fix this problem, not sexist industries’. Nice. Thanks.
Guardian UK has taken their lead.
It’s dogs, damn it! And it’s Poker. 😩
“Trump brand Kool’s irreversible”.
He really does like to blame people on the way down, doesn’t he? I’ve seen 10 year olds be more contrite.
Don’t mind me. It was a day without coffee. Not ideal.
Well, it’s a really long thread but I’m pretty sure I never said the lawsuit was a good idea, just that it’s not completely frivolous if basic fire and safety measures aren’t followed. The company grosses billions, for gods sake. Hire one lousy extra usher in each location to make sure fire doors are clear and keep…
They’re saying Cinemark could have handled this better. Which is true. A real amateur move on their part. When you own a big establishment where loads of people gather, you actually have a moticum of responsibility to make sure basic safety is there, and any college kid in a dorm knows that you’re not supposed to have…
They might be the same stand-up citizens who were blindingly convinced that catcalling is free speech. 🙄
There sure are a lot of corporation-defenders here, aren't there?? Like, others aren't allowed to have an opinion on this. Holy cow.
I guess I agree. Maybe that's why I didn't post one. :)
Wow, you don't like it when people express opinions, do you?