
Except there was evidence that the door was propped open, which is both a fire and a safety hazard.

Haaaaaaa, oh yeah. It's the exact same thing. People were killed trying to protect others, while your narcissistic mind sees no reason for concern. Good luck to ya.

Uh, for one thing I had a great relationship with my Dad. If you think caressing your adult daughter’s hips and calling her hot is normal, I honestly don't know what to say. That's just creepy,

Bring on the projectile vomiting GIFs.....

Oh that lucky, lucky girl. I don’t think she should be tortured for being born into that family plus she hasn’t shot any bald eagles or the world’s last elephant so I’ll spare her any criticism. But she really needs a taser and a neutering device for that “Dad” of hers.

I think I’m going to vomit. Good job, Levi’s.

As someone with a perverted, narcissistic mother, I approve your message. These people aren't just over-sharing. They're freaks who should not be caring for children.

I think this is mostly a case of parents being self-absorbed and not thinking too far ahead. But when your kid is old enough to be teased, and you refuse to take them off Facebook naked or taking a dump, you’re now a twisted perverted fuck.

As someone who left home at 17 to escape a (female) narcissistic, oversexed parent with zero boundaries, I say Tiffany got the better deal. Although living in poverty was no fun for me, hopefully she had resources aplenty.

Now you have me worried about sentient hemorrhoids.

Did everyone hear what Salamihawk said? She had s great idea and I’d like her to say it again.

Wow, this isn’t brain surgery here. If I set fire to a building, I wouldn’t get charged with treason. But I would certainly go to jail. Get it? Your speech may be protected, so you won’t go to jail for your opinions. But you’ll get a visit from the police for harassing women. Use your brain.

I always thought Britian was better, more polite than the US. I lived there briefly. Then I began reading Guardian UK and Jessica Valenti’s column, saw comments with signature spellings and references to British pubs, these commenters would hound harass and pile on any female commenter who dared agree with Valenti. It

Oh for bloody fuck’s sake. Speech is a statement. “Whoo hoo baby yeah”! or “Wanna fuck”? is not an opinion. It’s harassment.

I agree with that, I didn’t really mean that it’s not bad for people being targeted. I just meant it’s not my view that we’re doomed. If he loses, we might even usher in a whole new era of progressivism.

It's not so bad. Most people know Trump is a clown. What's worse is watching educated people fall over Stein, who's acting like a 4-year old. She's like the Ingrid Newkirk of environmentalism.

I believe this child but I also believe in innocent until proven guilty. It would be unthinkable if this teacher was exposed to the world as a horror human if she didn't do it. There should be plenty of witnesses though, it seems a tad premature to post the story.

Um, and from which morally pristine nation are you?

I had to mull this over for a while and though I can't stomach the idea that they didn't rush to her rescue, all these calls for them to speak up are for our satisfaction, not hers. We're all so smug but there's every chance they they had to decide what the most helpful response would be. Loud media protests are NOT

Lookie this adorable little Today Show piece where the cartoon header is a man screaming at 2 women eating sushi.