Emma Lorin


If we lived in a just world, there could actually be some sort of charge for those lies now.

what sucks is that the media spin, even from the republicans, is going to be overwhelmingly negative. Which is not the sucky part, the sucky part is that the people ‘spinning’ are going to be the dumb old assholes who never bother learning that none of these people were getting abortions and that none of these people

Among all of this shit and hate and sadness and depressing af stuff, the one thing I can’t get over is that they will never look at the cop as a hero. People are saying that the baby killers got what they deserve (like, I’m sorry, WHAT?), but don’t stop to think that murder is pretty high on God’s no-no list.

I worked in a candy store and my creepy boss frequently touched all of us (hand on the shoulder, guiding you by your elbow) and stood WAY too close. Also told us we were pretty all of the time and if our facial expressions changed at all, he would get closer and say (almost menacingly), “am I making you uncomfortable?

Right? Like if it was Pejic, I would interpret it as making fun of her. Like the only instance where I’m glad they didn’t hire a trans person to portray a trans person.

It’s dumb that important parts would be rushed through. You’d think they’d draw out everything trying to make one book into two movies.

These gifs. My god.

I have this same issue. My roommate just gives me playlists with all of the songs she thinks I’ll like and I look up more stuff by the artists I like (most if not all of them usually, she knows me)

ha ha um did you even read the article?

Brie Larson looks like my friend and I’m always looking at pictures of her (through jokes and texts and such) and I didn’t recognize her at all. Didn’t know that was her until you said it.

While his face is very punchable, I honestly cannot sit here and not object: Ted Cruz has the most punchable face. It’s... it’s too much.

I’ve only ever heard her singing or Victorious voices and this comment made me go listen... holy shit.

Right? I’ve noticed that she tends to say stuff like this pretty often without trying to act like it’s some profound statement.

It’s not even good enough to call a B-horror movie, but The Plague is horrible. So bad, its a little entertaining. I met the screenwriter once as part of a summer program I was doing, and James Van Der Beek is apparently a huge fucking douche.

skeleton twins was so goooooooooooood

“As a woman, I know what it feels like to be discriminated against! And my identity is the only female identity which is discriminated against! My identity is physiological! Why would that make you call *me* a bigot?! You’re ridiculous!”

That’s definitely something I would look into. My skin is really sensitive and I also have a skin thing (is it a disease or what I don’t know, just that my doctor gives me the same fucking advice about how “easy” it is to get rid of every time and it’s never worked, just almost caused me to actually scrub so hard, my

Nice to meet you, I hate you.