Emma Golddigger

It’ll be interesting to see if David Duke disavows him faster than he disavowed Duke.

I trust Trump and AIPAC will find some common Muslim-hating ground.

Same! (I’m in Salt Lake and I would have LOOOVED to be pandered to in a debate for once, how about you?) Also, never underestimate the prudery of Utah Republicans. Trump is kryptonite for prudes. I’m dreaming all the Utah Republican prudes will stay home with their sticks up their asses and Utah will go Democratic in

I wish I could star this twice. Once for the comment, once because you thoughtfully linked to the wasp larva devouring the paralyzed spider so I didn’t have to look at any stills!

Beautifully put!

This essay is amazing!

As bad as those men are, I think he’s worse. I bet he sees women smiling on the street and screams, “Bitch, my presidency will wipe that smile right off your face!”

A guy so inoffensive to conservatives, even his first name is basically “America.”

He’s going the reverse psychology route. “I WON’T EAT ANYTHING YOU PUT IN FRONT OF ME AND YOU! CAN’T! MAKE! ME!”

They are ADORABLE. “Oh, we couldn’t possibly let a president who only has a year left in his second term nominate anyone for the Supreme Court like everyone elected him to do, that would be sooooo undemocratic. But once he’s an actual lame duck, we’ll play ball.”

Excuse you, RBG has Aphrodite-level charisma and we all know it.

I believe it! I’ll probably get around to it sometime; everyone loves it and I’m sure they have their reasons.

I got a soft spot for poor disgraced hostage Chris Christie, myself.

Thank you, friend!

Does Cruz get to be the media’s hip young Hispanic guy now? Because that would be hilarious.

I bet that commenter was David Brooks killing time.

Not white enough for the Republican base, though.

AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! That commenter should run for president!

President-wise, I’d prefer Rubio to Trump and Kasich to Rubio (and Ohio’s been called for Kasich). I know Kasich and his policies are hugely anti-women, but that’s true for all of them, except Trump, who doesn’t have any policies.

I watched a little sliver of it. He was like, “Even my boyfriend, God, didn’t vote for me.” Very sad.