Emma Golddigger

Aww, I liked the Mother Jones piece. I thought it was a really thorough discussion of what a hypocritical racist creep Richard Spencer is and how closely his creepy, racist ideology is aligned with Trump’s creepy, racist ideology. (Link here if anyone wants to read it.)

Totally. Gender neutral and single-occupancy bathrooms are also great for people of any age who - because of disabilities, for example - need assistance in the bathroom.

I’m so sad I can’t find any vintage Nation personal ads! My parents got The Forward when I was a kid, and they had some great personals too. “76-year-old mensch seeks sheyne meydele, aged 50-65...”

Stick around!!! I noticed the grammatical mistake too. I’d date a guy who’s 5'4" (my height) or shorter, no questions asked, but a guy who refers to himself as “one of the last truly Renaissance men”? NEVER. Although...I probably wouldn’t be too enamored with a guy who referred to himself as “one of the last true

Your mom hasn’t been funny since middle school.

And it’s his birthday!

You know how when you read fortune cookies you end every fortune with “in bed”? When you read personal ads you have to do that with “no fatties.”

I looked her up just so I would get your joke. Worth it.

Fair Maiden—forever it is that I shall love you. And fear not, for your heart too shall find its true course. Your magic is powerfully special. Godspeed, thy nonage. No fatties.

I like this one because the gentleman has found a very roundabout way of letting everyone know he’s 5'4".

You are such a good writer! What’s your book about and is there any way I can read it?

I like Cryptic Bitches just as much!

Fun! If I had a cryptic crossword gang I would call it the Cryps.

Thank you so much for the PSA! It must have been super-recent because I just went looking for Best in Show on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon, to no avail. Yay!!! And everyone loves The Princess Bride. (Except my mom, who finds it sexist. Which, she’s got a point, but come on mom, sometimes sexist things are still awesome.)

Man, fuck Bob. Not only was he being deeply shitty to his wife, but he was being tangentially shitty to you and your husband by dragging the two of you into his relationship issues. When you talked to Sarah later did she make it sound like this kind of shittiness is common with him?

What a shitty day! I hope your shift is over soon.

Is it fair to call Dorothea Dix a journalist? I’m not sure, but I know it’s fair to call Gay Talese an assface.

Awww! I hope no one beat them up.

Ours wants to bang his own daughter.

The lascivious brightly-colored sweetmeats of Candy Crunch are but a poor substitute for the simple patricidal pleasures of yesteryear.