Emma Golddigger

EXACTLY. That is the kind of character-building experience today’s youths will never have, because they can’t be bothered to look up from their Twinders and their Sextagrams and their SnatchChats and their vaping boxes.

You and me both, man. I’m the last millennial holdout against online dating. Everyone I know who has any kind of dating life is meeting dates on cockandballtorturefurries.com or some shit. What happened to the good old days when you would be at the grocery store and you and a handsome stranger would reach for the same

I’m intrigued by anything that could possibly be worse than Blue’s Clues. I have recurring nightmares where that song that goes “We just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter, I wonder who it’s from” plays in my head over and over and the letter is from President Donald Trump telling me that Steve

That was my takeaway too! We deserve a Kardashian-free Deadspin dirtbag every night.

Is Caillou worse than Thomas the Tank Engine, Super Why, and Blue’s Clues? Those are the three kids’ shows I have to watch all day at work, and they are slowly eating away at my will to live.

I enjoyed this way too much for someone who’s never seen the show.

I guess I don’t know that much about that phase in Kim’s life. What did she want her interviewers to ask her about instead?

I need to know how Fabio thinks what he does is any different from what Kim Kardashian does.

I try...hope you didn’t get in trouble!

Oh no, you’re right! I should probably start a group so I can mobilize fellow cumin fans to riot if there’s ever a cumin emergency. Do you think cuminmymouth.com and swallowingcuminamerica.com are available?

Thanks for the link!

CUMIN. If there were a pepper shortage I would be like, “Eh, I’ll adjust.” If there were a cumin shortage I would riot in the street. If there were a salt shortage I’d be like that kid in the zinc movie from The Simpsons.

I’m most intrigued by that XOJane letter. From what I gather, this person worked as a strategist for Trump because she didn’t expect him to win and thought of him as a “protest candidate” who would presumably steer the Republican party in an even more racist direction. And then he becomes the presumptive nominee and

I like a man who crosses his legs at the ankle. Never the knees...knee-crossing is for whores.

We have a saying here in Utah: if your friend charges you $400 to sleep in a box, he is NOT YOUR FRIEND.

But she’ll be four whole months older after the semester! Gross!

And I bet they got away with the pussy comments because they’re being raaaawwwww and eeeeeeedgy and subveeeeeeersive and transgreeeeeeeeessive and helping people reexaaaaaaaaaaamine their ingrained Puritanical sexual ideooooooooooology. It’s not sexual harassment like when construction workers do it.

I need that bumper sticker.

Oh shit I don’t use Twitter but I would love to read your paper! I THINK if I dismiss your most recent comment and then reply with my email address, no one will see my email but you, so I’ll try that. Email is magdakorewa@gmail.com

Yes I have, but your link has more information about the specific textbook than mine did. Thanks so much! I would be VERY interested in hearing more about racial bias in standardized testing, too!