Emma Golddigger

So, despite beating the “far less gratuitous violence against female characters than the original GOT” drum hard in all of the pre-air interviews, House of the Dragon starts with a “genuinely loving” dude signing his wife’s death warrant in the hopes of securing a male heir. Love that for them.

I haven’t seen Matt Smith’s work, but facially, he seems miscast.

I think it’s less (at least for me) that I’m bothered by her going full mad queen then the fact that it was done so abruptly. I agree she always had the makings of the next mad queen but at the time in the show she wasn’t even close to there yet. It needed AT LEAST another 2 seasons of her rule to let the slow descent

I audibly wondered why they would do this??!

It will be interesting to see how well this show performs compared to its predecessor, given that none of the characters are instantly appealing. Was it the world of Game of Thrones that we loved, or was it Robb and Arya and Daenerys and the rest? Viewership for the pilot will undoubtedly be huge, but can it persist

“... ended with what is arguably the most poorly thought-out character assassination in television history: In a rushed heel turn, Daenerys Targaryen, our intelligent, ambitious, and charismatic (if controversial) heroine for eight seasons, looked down on King’s Landing from astride her dragon, went abruptly apeshit,

I thought it was really good. Much more like early GoT then later GoT. If there was another episode out I’d be watching it now.

“We kind of know how this shakes out” is the basic problem with prequels, but something GoT is better set up to avoid than most because it’s really about a place more than a single main character, and there are centuries of only thinly sketched history to explore, especially if you’re not bound by the books. Two

Solid premiere, but realizing now how much the different accents & time zones in GoT helped me keep all the stories/lineages straight. A show where they all have the same hair & name is going to be more work.

They’re also getting shit for being a pain in the ass coworker. 

Maybe that’s the point and the joke’s on us. 

I’ve always felt Veep is the closest show to Succession, in spirit. They’re both dark comedies about vain, powerful people being awful to each other and screwing around with the world to suit their whims.

Disagree it’s in the same vein as Breaking Bad. On whatever comedy-drama spectrum you want to create, it’s much closer to Arrested Development than Breaking Bad. (Both shows with memorable prison stabbings and deaths!)

It’s a well written article that makes good use of the bonkers quotes and he is great in that role probably in part because he doesn’t realize that he’s a very silly man. 

I want him to do a movie with Harrison Ford just so I can imagine Ford’s reaction. Strong sits cross-legged on the floor of a pitch dark trailer listening to Sigur Ros. He silently pulls a page out of the script, scrawls the word “MOTHER” on it a dozen times in marker, and then tears it into a dozen pieces. As he

He’s giving a hell of a performance in this role so at least his ridiculous methodology isn’t a complete waste of time.

Dear God, it seems as though they stumbled upon the exact right actor to play Kendall, because he’s essentially Kendall with a few less commas and zeroes in his bank account, but with more awards on the mantelpiece

“To me, the stakes are life and death,” he told me, about playing Kendall. “I take him as seriously as I take my own life.”

When I told Strong that I, too, thought of the show as a dark comedy, he looked at me with incomprehension and asked, ‘In the sense that, like, Chekhov is comedy?”

I thought one thing in particular was really huge with this documentary: ending it by noting that these murders are almost always *premeditated*.

Because let’s be real here: this was. MAYBE Chris didn’t plan for it to be that day, that moment. But it was happening. He didn’t “snap” based upon the physical evidence in

I hate Taylor Swift, and have since she was a newly minted country star. Shit voice, hack songwriter, all-around irritating human being.