
I thought I was over reacting because not a single person was like “this is creepy” they all thought t was so amazing and edgy and a few months after it happened I was like - pause - THAT WAS FUCKED. Like I have confidence that if any of us had been friends to the extent that the class added each other on Facebook and

Nope! I figured I was pver reacting because literally no one was criticising him whatsoever. Everyone was praising the shit out of his (badly written) story.

Yes, he did!

This comment just reminded me that I had a dream that Christie died last night.

When I was in high school, I took an online writing class. There was only one guy in the class. Each week we had to write a short story or some sort of fictional short story exercise (think character bios). We all knew each other’s full names and there was a photo on our profiles.


“Giant, perfect, throbbing penises”

That is terribly unfortunate. But if you need any encouragement for our blue state rep, I see a lot of Hillary signs on the coast! But I know some Trumpsters (like dumpsters) v

If you think people from Massachusetts are rednecks, you’ve obviously never met anyone from New Hampshire or northern Maine.

This is the worst thing and I hate it. You’re the worst. I’m sorry, but.

Thank you, I feel very strongly about it. He’s very charismatic, and I don’t hate him as much as I should for killing Glenn but I’m not like eager for Rick or Michonne to kill him. I’m just holding out hope that they someday will.

I feel like I sometimes try to distance myself because Massachusetts gets a bad rep sometimes but like FUCK ALL YALLS. I am MA as fuck and I’m tired of apologising for it (I know that no one actually asked me to). Like, do I give a shit about sports? No. Are the pats and Red Sox still kind of important to me? Yes. do

Yes, exactly, he enjoys being the manipulator.

I completely disagree with this. I think Negan - who Jeffrey Dean Morgan played perfectly so far - is a very complex villain. And I don’t think his introduction was shallow. I haven’t read the comics either but I know from friends that do (they’re excited the show has finally caught up to this point) that this is when

I feel like all of them looked at it and were like “con” means “with” in Spanish!

I am 22 which means the NSYNC peak was when I was a kid but Lance Bass was my BAE (only time I’ll use this when not being ironically basic with my best friend) and I had my mom print a photo of him at work (they had the best color printer) and laminate it (can’t have my sweetie tearing at the edges) and I would kiss

Fuck all of those people. I hope this little girl grows up happy and successful and forgets these shitty dna donors and has friends and mentors to be a surrogate family that far exceeds the family she had in love and support.

This is exactly my point. What you’re saying is fucking rude. I highly doubt Kim is walking around her house buck naked and it’s not like Beyoncé is miss prudish so that’s not a good argument (be prudish, don’t be, wear what you want, none are bad but it’s not like Beyoncé should be trying to shield Blue from Kim) and

That’s fair. I definitely don’t like him. I just meant that it’s always kind of been this narrative of Beyoncé thinking Kim is cheap or trashy. But then again, who’s to say if that’s true, so.

I mean between the “cringeworthy” and the “deeply unfunny” and the excessive harping on why it wasn’t an accurate parody crosses the line from dry humour. If it was just one of the things or maybe I would pick up on the tone/timing of it was said out loud but it really really didn’t seem to me like just dry British