
@stealofthedraft: I'm pretty sure Tebow wouldn't allow his kid to be Jewish.

Nobody he knew got killed?

Clearly, this is evidence that the NFL regular season is too long and exposes the league's elite players to needless injuries. The NFL should just start its season in the playoffs, with the Patriots having a series of byes until the conference championship.

Hey Remy, how my ass taste?

But U2 gets a free pass?

Dave Stewart and Fernando Valenzuela remain unimpressed.

Whatever SAS, my Black Friend won our league last year, so there.

Is this also about Stu Scott's face?

@UpstateUnderdog: It means the weather will be short, white, and dive unnecessarily.

Hi, do you know us? We're a major league baseball team.

putting Larranage squarely in the 60% percentile of income in Fairfax County.

Population of Greenland > Population of FinsNation

Jimmy Rollins likes pizza, Steve?

Which is funny because "whizwit" ain't exactly the Queen's English, either.

This is clearly fake. Black kids don't play baseball anymore.

It's too early for Drew to be yelling at me about this shit.

Undersecretary of Teabagging!

..said Rogge, who immediately returned his attention to ignoring all parts of China that exist outside of the Olympic Village.