Reyes was out.
Reyes was out.
Was that video shot from the Air Traffic Control Tower at Laguardia?
@Hustler of Culture: Hope this gives the IoC the chance to grow up accent-free.
I think we established that ca-caw ca-caw and tookie-tookie do not work.
BOOM Goes the Dynamite!
I nailed the West bracket - 100% perfect, including WVU beating San Diego. Even with that, I'm in the 70th percentile. I suck
If Sacred Heart can't dance with Turk and The Tod on the team, they'll never dance.
@Al Czerviks Ride on the WMU Bronco Bandwagon: On a similar note, What you missed while deciding how to spend your last day as a twenty-something.
Sapp or Brooks? I never realized that before you pointed it out, Balls. That's depressing.
@Christmas Ape: Connie Chung is going to be piiiiiised.
It's not for Bowden, it's actually so Dmitri Young can get around the new ballpark wihtout getting winded.
So you say Batistia's gone?
@iHaveaRagingTebowner: I believe that's the D.C. government to which you are referring.
We hope he's secretly one of the racing Presidents.
@The Boy Wonder: If you're going to classes during college, you're doing it wrong.
I'd have bet a lot of money that there was no one in Mattoon named Schwartzbaugh.
Big deal, even I had sex with a Tri-Delt in college, and I suck at football.
Whatever happened to mid-20s, African-American male, 5'7" - 6' tall, 150-200 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, looks like Martin Lawrence?
@Keith Talent: Forget Chardonnay, I named my daughter Rebecca. I have to change that now.
More deceptive, AJ's mustache or Clark Kent's glasses?