
Reyes was out.

Was that video shot from the Air Traffic Control Tower at Laguardia?

I think we established that ca-caw ca-caw and tookie-tookie do not work.

BOOM Goes the Dynamite!

I nailed the West bracket - 100% perfect, including WVU beating San Diego. Even with that, I'm in the 70th percentile. I suck

If Sacred Heart can't dance with Turk and The Tod on the team, they'll never dance.

Sapp or Brooks? I never realized that before you pointed it out, Balls. That's depressing.

It's not for Bowden, it's actually so Dmitri Young can get around the new ballpark wihtout getting winded.

So you say Batistia's gone?

We hope he's secretly one of the racing Presidents.

@The Boy Wonder: If you're going to classes during college, you're doing it wrong.

I'd have bet a lot of money that there was no one in Mattoon named Schwartzbaugh.

Big deal, even I had sex with a Tri-Delt in college, and I suck at football.

Whatever happened to mid-20s, African-American male, 5'7" - 6' tall, 150-200 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, looks like Martin Lawrence?

@Keith Talent: Forget Chardonnay, I named my daughter Rebecca. I have to change that now.

More deceptive, AJ's mustache or Clark Kent's glasses?