E=MC Hammered

Really, I can only stand sweet pickles in relish on hot dogs, beyond that, they have no use to me. Dill pickles are delicious plain, or on/in almost everything.

I can’t stand bread and butter pickles.  They’re like a bad compromise for fence sitters that can’t make up their minds.

Pickle magnates? How do they work?

A male coworker talked about a Vietnamese exchange student they hosted and went to school with his daughters. The girls kept their period supplies in a shared locker at school. Their exchange student refused to use tampons (Catholic country, only loose bad girls use them) and never kept a calendar of when her period

Grew up doing crawfish and shrimp boils with a group of people eating over a couple of card tables placed together. Didn’t seem to gross to me, but there’s no crumbs or congealed cheese hanging out by you while you eat.

Yeah, that was disgusting. It’s like a trough. 

With B&J, at least, ice cream leaving the freezer never returns, so that’s not an issue.

I hope someone told that guy what a useless cretin and terrible parent he was before the thread got deleted.

Holy Cow, that guy needs some serious education. I wonder how he would feel knowing she’s probably started masturbating by that age.

I’m on the east coast and there’s still variety but everyone has at least one NE IPA, most have 2-3, and some have half a list or more. I won’t order them, I have not found one I like and I’m not here to keep trying.

Hopefully the dog makes a full recovery. 

Yeah, some people’s brains go to One Hundred Years of Solitude. Other people’s brains go straight to Back to the Future.

The sheer male-pattern baldness of Prince William is always just staggering to behold.

King Cobra and Beer 30!

Money market accounts generally pay a little bit more than a savings account. They pay more because you have to have a larger chunk of cash to open them. Shop around at different banks. 

My husband and I kept our down payment in a plain savings account for years and it was fine. I wouldn’t tie much up in investments if you’re risk-averse and want to buy soon.

Ideally you would buy when the market was bad, but as much down as you can and suck up the fact that you’ll pay mortgage insurance for a year or two. During this time you should also pay more than your monthly payments to knock down the principal balance as much as you can. Then hopefully you’ll be able to refinance

The porter spicy brown is a staple in my fridge. My local grocery store carries it irregularly, but fortunately I’m not too far away from Sierra Nevada’s Chico facility and make it up there a couple times every year.