Nothing too weird or crazy, but we always got cinnamon-sugar toast when we were sick and never any other time.
Nothing too weird or crazy, but we always got cinnamon-sugar toast when we were sick and never any other time.
I have scarcely felt more seen by this website.
If I were fighting Aaron Donald, I would simple dodge all of his punches while punching him a lot myself. Simple.
I moved into a new place last fall and the kitchen island is so big you literally can’t reach the middle of it from any side. It’s glorious.
Almost everything on that list is ridiculous and pointless and would never be found in my kitchen. Except the Loch Ness Monster ladle; that’s awesome.
I love mushrooms! Even the standard white mushrooms you can get in every grocery store are good raw just on their own (better sautéed in a little butter and cream sherry).
It can be both thousands of years old historical documents and go in my oven at 400 degrees without burning and it’s “paper”?
I don’t trust parchment paper.
Whisky is on my list too. I’m beyond handwringing over “do I want to buy the $22 bottle or splurge for the $35 bottle?” Neither; I want the $75 bottle!
Cheese, whisky, sushi.
You know, that’s an excellent point!
Replace the pickle with a jalapeno and the peanut butter with damn near anything else and we’re talking, but this looks disgusting.
Same, for the most part. I also have some mugs with a pretty good dip in the bottom that will gather water and mixing bowls with a lip around the edge that will catch it, but for the most part it’s stuff on the top shelf like tupperware.
I was planning sangria and mimosas with Easter brunch, but I may replace one of them with one of these. The bluebell looks especially good!
This towel thing seems ridiculous, but if I’m home when my dishwasher hits the dry cycle, I’ll open it, dump the pooled water out of dishes that it is pooling in, then close it to start drying. That way it’s just drying the little bit of water on the dishes rather than the pooled water and everything comes out…
Yeah, how could a white woman possibly ever get the benefit of the doubt over a black man in family court? In America??? I don’t buy it...
Suicides, domestic partner violence, accidental discharge (often children).
Suicides, domestic partner violence (typically men attacking women), and accidents involving children.
Even for this kind of “survey” where the methodology is notoriously suspect and meaningless, this one is particularly bad.