
The film would have been a whole lot better if comedy hadn’t been destroyed by the Extreme Left.


Good list and I feel like a bozo for not knowing so much of the later stuff. I’d like to put in a word for Charlotte Sometimes (especially the live version from Concert) and Dressing Up. 

This is who he is. I saw him treat Harvey Weinstein in just the same way many years ago. If the price we must pay as a society for his performance in Paddington 2 is having him be an asshole in real life then I say we turn a blind eye to it.

In the interests of balance, Shell knew too. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2018/sep/19/shell-and-exxons-secret-1980s-climate-change-warnings

For any Americans reading (who care), the BBC - BBC News at least - is VERY FAR from being left wing. Under a series of political appointees it has become an unofficial wing of the Conservative Party PR machine. Highly pro-Brexit (hard Brexit even), pro-Boris Johnson, pro Tory agenda talking points. The last time

I’m not big into Anime but this show was amazing. Violent, trippy and just beautiful to look at. Quite full-on though - I had to have a break at the end of each episode in case I had a seizure.

Try watching the video. They’re talking about registration and background checks. If you can’t register or pass a background check then there’s your answer right there.

God, I was hoping someone would say this so I didn’t have to. This whole episode felt like it was written in a rush by middle-schoolers. And it gives me no pleasure to say it but Woody’s monologue felt like he was concussed or something. Special exception for the gym sketch joke “What’s that you’re playing?” “A big

Did his cameraman father get him a job in the Byrds?

I actually avoid that record because it’s just too sad.


In the little bonus featurette afterwards, Coolidge and Richardson said it was actually freezing while they were filming. Still, same. How could Portia be wearing heavy knitwear without dying of heat stroke?

“David Bowie is alive and well and living only in theory.”

Did she run that bath before she went to bed and forget to use it? Or had Teddy helpfully run her a bath ready for when she woke up?

except it sounds like they’re able to write the production cost off to tax as there’s been a change of management and a change of direction but that’ll only work if the film is canned...  maybe?

Wasn’t he dying on the sand and Maeve did something to “rescue” him? 

Where’s Jose Zuñiga when you need him?

And there’s no copyright in a title anyway…

Now playing

Her voice was at its crazy zenith on Never Forever. I’d put Blow Away up there with her best with its goofy post-death meet-up with Sandy Denny, Bolan, Keith Moon, etc. Honorable mention for Delius too!