
Classic Gizmodo review of a charming boyhood fantasy. HOW’S THIS SUPPOSED TO HAVE HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE?

Tough talk.

How did Mare know Cassie would get busted with the heroin in her car?

I believe they’re working with Kendall Jenner on a powerful response right now. Stand by to have your preconceptions shattered.

except... they didn’t?

I’m going to be so livid if the “American” is Dr. Brenner. It’s just too boring to be possible...

Good to hear. Looking at Twitter last night and speaking to people at work today what strikes me is that virtually no-one believes these guys. Also, a load of people refused to watch the documentary out of loyalty to “The Prince of Pop”. Depressing.

Why can’t Dolores just get him fixed up? These robots used to get killed every day not so long ago. What am I missing?

He’s been shot an awful lot for a humble homo sapiens and he’s still stumbling around.

I’m on it too. Let’s circle back this afternoon.

Newt’s shutdown was the first to really hurt the country. But I guess it did have the effect of virtually guaranteeing Clinton’s re-election, so it wasn’t all bad.

Newt “Government shutdown” Gingrich? Great guy!

In late 2008, Kesha gave Dr. Luke the plaintively unhinged hook for “Right Round”

Yeah, I listened to the whole lot at work a few years ago and it sent me to a dark place. Darker than some faux-satanistic videogame because this is the real sound of shitty, lo-tech espionage with expendable operatives living bleak, exhausting lives in alien countries, hunching over transistor radios and trying to

Charles Manson = shark jumped

Pretty sure that childlike voice at the beginning come from the Conet Project, though they sound like they’ve been treated a bit. They’re shortwave radio messages sent in code for spies abroad. It’s also where that “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” voice came from. It’s disturbing enough in itself without this...

She’s utterly brilliant. Check out her radio stuff on A Bit of Mitchell and Webb (if you haven’t alread). And of course Soph on Peep Show - need I say more?

"Turn yourself in. They'll appreciate your honesty and you'll probably only get culpable homicide." Doh.

Damn, I was hoping for a startling insight into Kieslowski's seminal Three Colors trilogy.

Facts have a known anti-semitic bias.