
Who's Loughlin now?

What makes me extremely nervous about Bernie is his pandering to the “white working class,” which is really pandering to whiteness. People of color are also working class, but he puts a divide down. For women and people of color, we don’t have “identity politics” - a phrase he’s used several times, it’s just politics.

“Some of us, not me, pinched our noses and voted for Hilldawg.”

The Whotles?

Lol, fuck off, Chris Pratt.

“Plenty of women found him unsettling, and the ones who attended his trial still often saw him a monster”

I mean, this is by no means the most important aspect of the story, which is that Singer has a really terrible string of accusations at this point, but Bohemian Rhapsody was not a great movie. It was merely ok; a by the numbers musical biopic with a great soundtrack supplied by the back catalog of the subject band.

Based on this statement alone, you sound like a terrible person. We live in a society, that regardless of what boot -strapping individuals claim, is based on doing things for the common good that elevates everyone.

I’d much rather see Phillips being interviewed, not some privileged little twerp.

So happy this fierce lady got nominated. 

“Don’t try to talk like a young kid if you’re not a young kid. Don’t post a meme if you don’t know what a meme is.”

can confirm^

Hey, all the New England states voted against Trust Fund Trump so you can only be half annoyed by us.

Lots of Pats fans hate Trump too tho

One of the most liberal states in the country which reliably votes blue in both congressional and president elections. The top rated k-12 education system in the country and home to 2 of the top 5 universities in the world. The 2nd ranked healthcare system in the country. And much of the country’s high tech and

The best hospitals, colleges and technology in the country??

Why didn’t you title this “There’s a new live-action musical coming and we have a hunch you’ll be interested in the news” what is wrong with you i09?

The whole trending stories section is basically Florida in a nutshell

Wait till he finds out that the guy fucked his mom too.