
Also likely to end in 2019: The last remaining Netflix MCU series.

I played the mobile game that was free around the time season 2 was coming out.  It was surprisingly fun and I played it a lot more than I was expecting to, though I didn’t end up finishing it.  I wonder how this will stack up.

It’s SO WEIRD that a party that insists on ‘Traditional values’ IE: women should be seen not heard, stay at home and take care of the kids and share their husband’s political beliefs to the point they vote identically with him...

I’m not so sure women are less likely to go into certain high-paying industries. I selected my undergraduate major - economics - based on data showing the qualification yielded one of the highest entry-level salaries. I applied for over 300 jobs with custom cover letters and resumes, attended networking events like

Absolutely true. Also applies to white people and racism.

As a hardcore Scream fanatic, that homage was everything to me. I need more.

Get Joshua Jackson. Let him play Charlie from the original Mighty Ducks movies. He is now in the Gordon Bombay role and is forced to coach little league hockey team. He’s over it until he gets a visit from his old coach Gordon, who is now in the Hans role from the movies. Throw in one or two charismatic kid leads and

I work for a technology company that employs a large number of H-1B visa holders. My team handles all the visa applications, with the help of outside immigration counsel. The majority of our H-1B visa holders are Indian nationals. In the time since the Cheeto with the Pomeranian on its head took office, the WH

whereas boys are more comfortable saying they understand something without having an actual deeper understanding

“Grant County women like Brittany Walters don’t rely on men because a lot of guys don’t stick around after they’ve fathered a child. Instead, women rely on a sisterhood of grandmothers, aunts, and neighbors. They are rural America’s economic backbone...”
So you keep having unprotected sex with these guys anyway??

Gentrification of weed will happen the moment it becomes legal in your state. In Seattle, the owner of every single dispensary is white. I can guarantee that a lot of the dealers before pot became legal were not white, that most of the people who are serving time for dealing are not white, that the people taking the

If people can see the cases of Ethan Couch and Brock Turner and dont believe that white privileged isn’t real, than they’re being deliberately obtuse.

What do you mean, the — oh, let’s not get into this.

And then he went on to say, “Buenas tardes” to Rep. Grijalva, “Ciao ciao” to Rep. Napolitano, “Woof!” to Rep. Labrador, “’sup?” to Rep McEachin, “Auf Wiedersehen” to Rep. Radewagen, and just shrugged in Rep. Gohmert’s direction.

I read this article and can’t shake that feeling of when one person says everyone else is the problem, look at the common denominator. I don’t really know. Maybe it’s because the last few things I’ve seen him in, he played the villain.

I could really care less about this movie, but the hate it’s getting is amusing me to no end, from the mocking posters (someone made one using Schindler’s List) to this epic theme song from one of writers on The Good Place:

Oh, haaaaaiiiii, it’s been 5 minutes, I better brag on this. And, course, this. :)

I’m assuming he’ll put the gaming industry in Barron’s portfolio since Jared is so busy with Peace in the Middle East and Barron is good with the cyber.