
So... a megalomaniacal young woman with a family history of incest-bred insanity who bases her right to rule on that fact that her insane father was once king recruits an army of pillagers and rapists, and another army of programmed-from-childhood killing machines (each of whom has personally murdered an infant as

because clearly the season 2 quote, “i am dany targ and will take what is mine through fire and blood” gave us NO foreshadowing. nor did the parallels betwen her dad killing ned’s dad and brother and her killing sam’s dad and brother. not to mention all the stuff in between those 2 CLEAR indicators.

The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

If How I Met Your Mother’s finale had not been so damn awful the show would be remembered fondly.

1. Killing the Mother

I got a Community notification for this?

They’re this close!

What the hell are Regionals?

Why are you knocking down Rachel, when she’s This Close to Regionals!

“My safety fragile little ego was in jeopardy at more than one time.”

We are about to eat our candidates again. If you had a company, you’d never hire Trump to run it. If someone in your personal life bragged or lied like Trump, you’d never hang out with them. The person I knew in college that bragged and lied like that was known as “Annoying Man” by me and my friends. Yet somehow this

Isn’t this what they are upset about.

Goddammit, your dad!! If you’ve got multiple people in the house who care That Much about a book series, you’ve got to get multiple copies! Also if you were in the Harry Potter generation (like you were a teenager when that book came out), your dad should probably have been the adult and let you read it first! (If you

As someone who is probably also going to be single forever, I admire her for being open about it just being because she’s weird. I feel like I either have to say I’m looking for love and can’t find it, or I’m embracing my own fabulousness and can’t be tied down. The truth is closer to, “I’m a strange person, I’m not

Archie’s boxing gym cannot possibly need to be swept THAT much.

I just.

Brienne of Tarth and Tormund Giantsbane and Jaime Lannister — Go hard or go home.

Translation: “Hi, I’m a dude and since the same levels of societal expectations on appearance that fall upon women don’t fall upon me, I don’t care and think it’s dumb to talk about.”

When I went to see Infinity War three dudes sat behind me. One of them was wearing a plastic Infinity Gauntlet. They took turns schooling each other on comic events until the movie started.

To be perfectly frank, I no longer feel the need to engage with anyone over the age of 50 on this. They are probably going to die just as the world is faced with incontrovertable evidence that climate change is too far along to stop, and we will need to adjust in painful, damaging ways, and half the world will be