
I was 13 :( 

My dad told me Dumbledore died in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince 2 days after it came out. We only had one copy and he got to read it first. I remember that he told me so nonchalantly, right when I sat down for breakfast. I was so pissed at him and he said he didn’t feel bad because he didn’t think he was

TBH, I wasn’t that mad in the moment when it happened. What pissed me off was when Quill asked “Did we lose?” after everything happened. He sounded genuinely surprised, but to me he came off as a douche bag.

I’ve seen all the Best Pictures nominees this year and I think Get Out was the best film of the year. It had stay power to be in the conversation for the entire year. I thought Shape of Water and Three Bilboards were fine (overrated but still fine) but even if those win Best Picture they will be forgotten about by

Me @ Universal Execs:

I love Kanan but I think he’s going to die during the rescue mission for Hera. I don’t think they’d have the guts to off Ezra too so I hope they have a good, believable reason why he’s not with the Rebel Alliance in the OT.

Thank you for this! I watched this movie and I was bored stiff. Everyone else I know who have seen this movie really like it and think I was bored because I’m not as “cultured”. It’s like bitch I can binge watch The Crown like nobody’s business, this movie is just BORING and POINTLESS. I thought that Colin Firth

People who are bitching about the Leia flying in space scene have clearly never watched Star Wars Rebels. Kanan did the exact same thing in a season 3 episode after Maul pushed him out. And Kanan is blind!

To be honest, I’m so annoyed with Star Wars fans and all the criticism surrounding this film. I liked both VII and VIII. A lot of people were complaining that Episode VII was just a rehash of IV, and now people are pissed off with VIII because it didn’t go the way they expected and didn’t go along with their theories.

Thanks! I should check those out! I had no idea he did those films.

Why isn’t Jack Nicholson here for The Shining? Has he been in other horror movies?

2 things:

I was in a crowded theater and when this scene was on I started giggling and no one else was laughing. They gave me weird looks. They shamed me.

You don’t bring yourself to care about harassment because it’s never affected you. Congratulations on having a white penis, although I’m betting its a lot smaller than what you tell the ladies!

I think the issue white boys are having is assuming that every time a woman is hired it’s just to “have more women” and not because of their talent.

Can someone please explain to me how Olivia Munn became a thing? The only thing I’ve seen her in was X-Men Apocalypse and that movie was trash.

I loved Sabrina growing up but for Riverdale, I’d prefer a bitch over a witch and Cheryl already fills that role.

At best, I’m trepidatious. In concept, it’s a great idea. But the reality of this is that this movie is written and directed by men.