
Ugh. Fuckin’ nazis.

You’re making excuses.

Fuck off.

Private planes, friends in high places...

This. He could’ve just spent a nice two weeks with his wife in a mansion on the Italian Coast.

No, I’m not gonna entertain your stupid take of ‘black on black’ crime as a means to derail the discussion and fail to make a point.

Again, you choose to ignore my point.

Have a good weekend.

Yes, the data is partially there, and it looks horrendous for the PDs across this country.

This is what people are protesting. You’re willfully ignoring it, as you feel better about seeing the protestors as ‘animals, deserving of force’ instead of having to accept the rather bleak truth that quite a few PDs have gone

If that’s how you want to read it..

I’m seeing excessive use of force, repeatedly, used against people exercising their 1st amendment rights, across the country, day in and day out.

That that is not troubling to you...

Yes, that group of people mostly overlaps with “the cruelty is the point’.

They tend to forget that they too could be at the receiving end of such ‘state violence’. And are all too happy to cheer it on...

Of course this was used to send a message. That is the problem.

That’s not what is being argued. The way of the arrest has been the central point of the argument all along.

and that is not okay.

Nah, wait with arresting her then, instead of escalating an already ultra-tense situation.

This is stupid, it sends dangerous signals and could’ve escalated way worse (imagine a few armed folks within the protestors, convinced that some rogue dudes are kidnapping a woman).

Why the need to threaten my from behind your screen?

And your police friends should all agree, that the fact that none of the officers involved in the death of George Floyd decided to turn their partners in is despicable. And according to all data, that is the common approach of LE. That is the issue everyone is

Totally agree. In a few years we’ll have a much better understanding of what approach worked best.

The idea in part is to slow down the transmissions to win time for the vaccine. If we can keep the infections to a minimum until the vaccine is working and available, we can keep the human toll to a minimum. That’s the

I remember very well who knelt on a black man’s neck for almost 9 minutes, killing him and facing zero charges.

Then people started to protest, demanding change. Then the president cleared out peaceful protestors in front of the white house for a cheap photo op (violating the constitution and physically attacking

As far as I can gather, it was a desk ticket, not a warrant. A warrant will be issued if the desk ticket notice is ignored and the person doesn’t show up for court.

So, total overkill.


Irony is treading in dark corners these days.

They may have identified themselves after dragging her into a van. It still must’ve felt like an abduction/kidnapping to her and the bystanders, and that is just piss-poor protocol on part of the NYPD, especially in times of public displeasure with the lack of accountability and the use of excessive force by the very

It sadly looks horrible on me. I’d love to be able to wear ‘blush’ (Or very light pink), but it clashes with my skin tone.