
Yeah, totally strange.

I remember the exact short boat trip where it shifted, and we left on a regatta the following weekend (2-3 days around Long Island). It was a hellish trip for me, constant anxiety, constant fear of drowning.
I’m quite an excellent swimmer, surf fairly regularly, and was sailing almost weekly for a

That is true about the PPI. In which case I’d probably move onto another car.

No idea what happened, but my body suddenly couldn’t take the keeling anymore. A physical reaction, an unease, a fear of mortality maybe?

Before that we’d sail out into storms, in thick fog, through big waves, on multi-day adventures outside NYC.

Then poof. Done. I still know most of the knots, and maneuver terms and

I seem to start understanding the ease and inexpensiveness of owning a boat, outside of a big city.

What I don’t get, however, is how this standard of living (I assume it’s mainly white folks) correlates with such a strong showing for GOP politics in these places.

One would think, a financially comfortable populace -

Yeah, but CPO usually comes with some sort of warranty.

I mean, with that amount of suspension travel AND the skills to throw a car around like that, yes.

With your standard hatchback? Nah..

Eh, there’s the door. Bye!

Oh, getting a boat spot in Zurich is damn near impossible. The waiting lists apparently are long and on average take about 5-7 years to free up a spot. Most people instead buy a boat with a spot attached to it, even though it’s not entirely legal.
Then they get a Boesch boat (Ferrari of boats) to replace whatever they

Alright, thanks for informing me of my financials, CPA.

As for financially sound decisions: I’d argue that a hobby that needs to be financed by a loan might not be the smartest decision?

But I might just have a tad more conservative approach to personal finances than others do.

The 996 interior (I can only speak to the full leather variant) is a nice place to spend long hours in driving.

You’re thinking of Boxsters. Or tiptronic convertible 996s.

With the remanufactured engine, 70k miles on the clock, and that lovely color - seriously, Ocean Blue Metallic is fantastic in real life - this is a solid deal.

I’d still go for the coupe.

Going down dirt roads at over 63mph on average sounds rather insane, though.

I’m flying next week long distance (multiple connecting flights). Not sure how comfortable I am with it yet, but I booked business and reserved the seats that are by themselves within the cabin.

Plus, a doctor friend sent me a good dozen N95 masks, so I’ll be wearing them and frequently switching them out.

I’m also

I see. Back in Switzerland it costs thousands just to acquire the license to operate a motor boat.

Whoa, a loan over 20 years? That’s insane.

That’s the kind of info I was looking for. Thank you.

I wish housing was anywhere close to this cheap here (LA).

Huh? That’s an odd conclusion for you to make.

Oh, I love sailing! Or did love it, until one weird day the ocean made me fear it. It’s never been the same since.

And yes, I assume those are Lasers or Hobies or of the sorts.

Yeah, with those prices the question is kind of moot. It’s like buying new tires.

How do you interpret hate into my statement?

I posed a simple question: how can so many people afford to own boats? It’s 10'000 boats during this event on one lake, and presumably not everyone that owns a boat on that lake partakes in this Nooner.