Meaning, in the quaint (and excessively wealthy) country I grew up in - Switzerland - having a boat meant you’ve made it to the top.
It was the thing of industrialists, bankers, ad agency owners, wealthy spawn.
Meaning, in the quaint (and excessively wealthy) country I grew up in - Switzerland - having a boat meant you’ve made it to the top.
It was the thing of industrialists, bankers, ad agency owners, wealthy spawn.
Oh, but having one small sedan (excellent choice on the 1 series, btw.) and one old Jeep is miles away from having all that plus a boat, and all the costs associated with one: a harbor spot, or at least a trailer and a truck to tow said trailer - I assume you barely see a boat owner towing with a sedan or station…
Ah yes, makes sense. Never been. One day.
I grew up in Europe. While having lived in the US for 11 years, the amount of toys the average non-city living American adult has is mind-boggling (from guns, to atvs, to campers, boats, trailers, barns, extra cars, snowmobiles, etc).
It’s just so inconceivable to me to care for that much stuff, nor be able to pay for…
All of this.
How can so many people afford to own boats?
Where’s that? Looks so serene.
Yeah, that’s a dumb statement.
One kills people.
Was just gonna say: dude has no idea who he’s up against..
I just went back to Contis (Extreme Sport Contacts) from PS4s, as they did wear way too fast for my taste.
Weirdly the fronts this time went faster than the rears (on a rear engine car).
Yes, killing off Uncle Ben and Auntie Jemima is the corporate attempt to look like doing something while not really doing anything at all.
That is certainly bullshit. And it should be called out left and right. It’s silly marketing and a very cost-calculated attempt at that (as structural change doesn’t come cheap in…
How am I distorting an event to fit my narrative?
A possible hate crime got investigated, the investigation turned up evidence of no direct wrong-doing.
Which is much preferable to no investigation happening and then later finding out that it was indeed a hate crime.
How’s that a distorted narrative again?
The media reported what Nascar told the media. Nascar assumed (not without reason) that this could be a hate crime, why the FBI got involved. Their investigation showed that this was not the case (at least not a hate crime against Bubba Wallace).
There are still a few factors that seem to make no sense so far: why was…
Btw. Just watched this. Do it as well. It’ll help clear things up.
Yes, let’s improve education, providing food and essentials for those in need, raise the minimum wage, abolish systemic racism in society, better city planning, defund the police down to levels that are appropriate and not ‘quasi-police state-ish’, abolish for-profit prisons with slave labor, and a few things more.
Nascar has had a huge problem with confederate flags being waved at their races for ages, which is a clear political signal of white supremacy.
So Nascar attempting to distance itself from this is the right thing to do, unless they wanna rust on the dustbin of history. This instance here was luckily not a targeted hate…
“How dare they try to create a more just society!”
Not to mention the accompanying text being 14 words long and deliberately publishing 88 ads.
Anyone go look up both 14 and 88 and their meaning in White Supremacists/Nazi circles, if there’s still any doubt about the clear message it was sending.
Eh, most of those law proposals are written by bodies created by the corporations meant to be regulated by said laws. ALEC comes to mind, as one of the most blatant examples.
The politicians rely on the campaign donations of said corporations, which are tied to their lobby efforts.
So, campaign finance reform would do…
Man, are you dumb.
Nobody is asking for perfection, just for functioning agencies, who - as others have pointed out again and again - have been deliberately staffed with folks openly hostile to said agencies.
It’s like hiring the fox to guard the henhouse. Then crying about how the henhouse guarding doesn’t work.