
I would, but the film coming out of it would be better. (And I’d ditch the GoPros for such a project, for sure).

My wife and I may have done so, but I’m not sure. Nor do I know if this is a good idea. But people are saying..

I don’t agree that the only deterrent for not doing crime is the fear of getting caught.

It’s funny, at first such a suggestion sounds completely batshit. But once you start reading a bit and evaluating the numbers, you come to a conclusion that what we currently have isn’t working. Reform has been tried and stopped at every point by the PDs.

It is my opinion, yes. The MPD is utterly corrupted and unwilling to do policing that actually helps the people of Minneapolis.
Thus, defunding and disbanding the MPD is the right way forward (and only way, IMO).
Then the task is to build response teams, including a team that does police work (investigating crime,

Yeah, our resident ‘well, actually’, followed usually by some proto-libertarian something or other.

But David did surprise me these past few days with a good take or two, thus I gave him the benefit of the doubt. For now.

I could live with that.

But if enforcement of any kind is needed, I prefer cameras to persons armed and trained to see every interaction with the public as ‘a war between them and us’.

This piece wasn’t about a push to fix peoples’ tail lights. That was one example used to explain a larger point.

It even says so in the text: “Dr. Shroff jokes.”

It’s similar (or likely even has the same root cause) to patriarchy, and how it hurts both men and women. Yet, some will always choose power and sadism over egalitarian arrangements, simply because.. human nature?

This is why strong checks and balances are always needed, as power corrupts, again and again.

As for what


I agree, surveillance state is not a better option. But those in favor of keeping it the way it is because they know they get away with shit now because of their caucasity are hypocrites.
So yes, find a 3rd choice.

True. But only in the US are people afraid of being pulled over, due to it being able to escalate within seconds.
This is a uniquely American problem. Shootings at traffic stops are unknown in other places (unless you’re dealing with the mafia).

And 500 Billion that they won’t tell who received it.

Way to miss the point.

This. Defund and reallocate responsibilities and assets.

Oh man, you’re so right. What a much nicer, much less afraid world that would be.

Let’s make it happen.


I gather you’re a white dude, born in the US, upper middle class.

Do I win?

Well, make it be run by the city instead.
That’s an easy problem to solve.

“I don’t want a fair system, I wanna keep my privilege.”

Turns around and screams something about libertarianism.