
It works all over Europe. You barely ever see a cop car on the streets, patrolling traffic.


Despite knowing this, it still baffles my mind.

Imagine building your entire life around events that happened during your early teenage years...

The protests I’ve been to had a mask wearing rate of >90%. And since they’re mostly protests that move, the 6ft distancing is working as well.

Fair. You’re actually serious about it. 


There is no antifa movement, at least not sizable enough to warrant it being labelled as such, as part of the protests.
The FBI just confirmed:

While discussing defund police, I don’t care what party the government is part of. Don’t try to move the goal posts. Dismissed.

Trying to post a huge photo of a black woman trying to spin it to make her the cause for police disbandment in Camden paints you as someone with a clear racist agenda.

I won’t engage in that.

You forgot to include the link.

The force previous to disbanding had 400 officers, the newly built force has 370, thus making it slightly smaller. It also serves a larger area (Camden County), and saves Camden quite a bit of money.

The Atlantic is not ‘extremely left leaning news’.

Here’s some centrist stuff:

I mean, traffic would be easy to solve. Just install speed cameras. Every other 1st world nation has that. It clearly reduces speeding, by a lot.

Of course I’d like to do something about it if someone breaks into my house. I’ll likely deal with insurance for a while to get all the stuff replaced that was stolen.
And the idea isn’t to eliminate police altogether, it is reducing the amount of police when most calls to 911 aren’t needing actual police forces to be

Huh? Crime rates have been in decline for ages. Yet we incarcerate more people than ever before.
And we’re spending way too much money on police, in LA it’s half the city budget.
I think we could get much more out of that money if we spent a good chunk on something else, reducing the reasons for why folks turn to crime.


I did.

Here’s the Atlantic:

I think we need some police. Detectives to investigate murders and other serious crimes, one SWAT team per big city, a few rolling units to deal with major traffic and accidents, a few here and there in communities, on foot.

But a good chunk of the resources we spend on PDs is better spent on the root causes of what

He won’t be the last one either.

I’ll allow it.”

That makes sense, actually.

Serpico was in the 70s I believe. So 50 years ago at this point.

And I get what you’re saying, I really do. It’s just that a description like ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is an interpretation, not a fact. Thus, me saying that all cops are bad based on a police culture that has one Serpico every 50 years (with maybe half a