“My anecdotal data trumps your empirical data.”
No. Defund, then rebuild under new guidelines, much less budget, smarter hiring.
“My anecdotal data trumps your empirical data.”
No. Defund, then rebuild under new guidelines, much less budget, smarter hiring.
The teachers aren’t out there killing people. The schools aren’t allocated half the cities budgets. Teachers buy school supplies for their students with their own money.
This half-assed attempt at ‘whataboutism’ is so bad, your mother is ashamed of you.
You could take 5 minutes to do a bit of research.
Changing the PDs will do a lot for the people who are brutalized by the current culture of PDs. It’s not a cure-all - never said it is - but it’s an essential part of the change needed.
Nah. Do some research. Takes 3 minutes.
Here, to get some more perspective on your ‘saviors in blue’:
Yeah, I really struggle to understand their strategy as anything but incredibly shortsighted and petty/evil.
I mean, are they hoping for miracles? The unemployed are growing in numbers, the PDs continue to show their most despicable behavior day for day, the protests are growing and growing...
What’s their end goal…
Nah, not worth my time. Bye.
Yeah, such a catalyst really lets one rethink who are friends, and who are people who’s perception of reality is far removed from oneself (or who would willfully ignore a huge issue within their own ranks). It’s as if they’re trying to escalate things (I know they are) willfully.
Btw: how’s your 911 doing?
The more you know. Thanks!
How does cop butt taste like?
Defund. Join us.
They are radicalizing an entire generation. Their shortsightedness really is astounding.
I watched 6 hours out of that 8 hour meeting. It was cathartic.
Just an FYI: there are no good cops. The supposedly ‘good’ ones are silent about this shit, making them accomplices.
That has been tried (Minneapolis is a more recent example). It didn’t work. We have one solution at this point: disband the PDs. Then build something better instead.
Like the mafia, basically.
Defund the Police. They themselves make the clearest cases, day in, day out.
So, dear Jalopnik ‘conservatives’: tell me again why we shouldn’t defund all the Police, then build a completely new structure to replace it?