The spotlight is much more on this issue now, it feels like. Minneapolis, if they succeed with their plans, will be a blueprint for many other cities to follow.
This gives me hope.
The spotlight is much more on this issue now, it feels like. Minneapolis, if they succeed with their plans, will be a blueprint for many other cities to follow.
This gives me hope.
They are already doing it. 10'000 arrests at protests nationwide is absurd.
Reform didn’t work, that’s the point.
We have to abolish the current PDs, then restructure how we spend money and what jobs the PDs actually need to do. Then hire a much smaller PD, much better trained, better paid, with much more civilian oversight.
Other countries can do this, it’s not that hard.
Btw. Georgia (the…
Never stop!
Sure doesn’t sound like that, that you’re free. Sure sounds like you’re just reusing the same old right-wing talking points, with a dash of qanon and some ‘sheeple’ strewn on top.
Do you even self-reflect, bro?
And I’ve yet to see your sources for what you claim is mass-media instigating a ‘race war’.
You are just making…
Thank you for providing your source for that claim. Talking about the mainstream media inciting a race war, yet calling others closed-minded people.
You do know there is a lot of ground between ‘letting the cops use whatever force they want’ and ‘having boy scouts enact the law’, right?
I’d be curious to hear your discussion on this.
This was a likely illegal move by the PD, happening during a time when the country is out protesting against this very thing.
So, where’s the bias? And what counter-point could be made, aside from wanting the PDs be able to use illegal force to subdue whomever they see fit?
What race war promotion is that you speak of?
Are you talking about Fox News?
Sources, please. Such an outrageous statement needs proof.
Way to misinterpret MLK. Or Gandhi, for that matter.
It’s funny, that always comes up, unless it’s a white shooter (church massacre, cinema massacre). Then they magically apprehend the perpetrator without any harm. So, I have a hard time believing the PDs when they say that it was necessary.
I’m curious to hear what crime justifies actions taken like ‘drive into him with your car’. As that is clearly against the law.
Not doing your job is how our leaders ‘lead’, on public display day in and day out.
Yeah, that didn’t age well.
Yeah, it’s funny, they never provide a credible source after making such claims.
And all that just to not have to face an ugly truth.
And then you have opinions like these:
Yep, it was fairly clear after the first response, but I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, so to not play into my own prejudice. Sadly, my prejudice in this case was warranted.
You clearly want to misunderstand my point.
And there is no balanced approach to dealing with fascism.
Bye. Get lost.
Thank you, this is excellent to know.