
You are twisting my words.

I don’t care that there’s good cops in the PDs, as the good cops don’t take the kind of action that good cops would do. Meaning, they’re bad cops, even if their intentions are good initially. Their actions count (or inaction in those cases), not their intentions.
Meaning: their intentions of

Again, I don’t care if there are good cops along the bad ones. The system has failed, and cops act like sadistic, power-hungry mobs.
If, according to you, the good cops cannot speak up out of fear of retaliation, the only solution is to disband the police force, as it is rotten to its very core.

People have been giving

I don’t care if there’s good or bad cops. The movement most likely doesn’t care either.
What we all care about are the actions of cops, and they are as clear as can be.

What’s also clear is that it’s systemic to the PDs. Retraining, etc, have been tried the country over, with zero results.

As for your “dumb German

May I suggest reading “Eichmann in Jerusalem” by Hannah Arendt?

The banality of evil. The ‘good cops’ not speaking out when the ‘bad cops’ do evil shit. Which makes the ‘good cops’ bad cops.

If they’re not speaking up about the blatant abuse of power they know about, they’re not good people. Even if they’re your friends.

“If you got a nazi sitting at a table with 10 people, and they all talk, you got 11 nazis.”
German Proverb



Defunding is the best way forward.

Worse than Coppola wines?

Here’s an ongoing collection of police brutality:

Same. It’s comically evil.


Also, isn’t that kind of a mob attitude?

*question totally rhetorical

They’re giving an inch, when demanded a mile.

I doubt that this ‘peace’ will last for long. The PDs are still out there, roughing up peaceful protestors, and not being charged for clear crimes, both against the 1st and 4th Amendment.

I doubt this will last. Unless the energy of the Minneapolis City Council spreads

What kidelo said, plus, printing such horrific ideas helps to normalize them, despite how fucked up they are.

It fills me with rage

You’re quickly becoming my favorite commenter in the Gawker-verse.

So good, once again.

Thank you.

I wonder what’s the ‘over under’ on Brees owning merchandise that completely disrespects the actual flag code..

If you did an ounce of homework and studied what people all over the US are protesting for, you’d see that the thing you suggest is one of the policy proposals put forth.

Seriously, how can you think that people who are out protesting didn’t do the 2 minutes of homework it took you to come up with that idea? Did you