They regularly get blackmailed by the PDs. The threat of ‘we’ll just stop policing your council district’ is real and well documented.
They act like the mob.
Imagine the freedom you have not being able to drive the kind of car you want (and can afford) because of fear of being harassed by LE.
Yup. Defund Police.
I watched a few hours today. Its’ quite cathartic.
Yeah, no. Your attitude is shit.
I really like this form of activism. Easy, swift, and gets the message across.
It’s sadism.
You’re onto something.
Yeah, my post was more a (lame-ish) quip at how everything happening has been predicted by the Simpsons.
All of this.
Let me guess: all 20 had been mentioned?
Dismiss the troll.
elkris raised the topic of protests, Bradely just responded.
Dude, at least try to not be so obvious.
Thank you, you had zero obligation to elaborate on this.
I’ll read into it.
What’s interesting is the ideo of a monopolization on the right to violence, which we supposedly all agree on with the social contract (that isn’t being held up for large amounts of people). I grew up in Central Europe, and our 1st of May…
Yes, he deployed the MPs to DC, per the NYTimes.
This link is bogus, and fuck you for your racist shit.
Nothing you say is of value. You are nothing, not worth the air you breathe.
I support this.
Counter his argument, don’t attack him personally.