
Well, climate change will happen to the suburbs as well.

And you’re still using the infrastructure higher city taxes pay for, despite enjoying lower taxes yourself, basically being subsidized by city folks, externalizing costs as you go on about your life.
Your larger single house uses more energy to heat/cool, your

Yeah, more traffic is a great thing...

It’s funny how you cannot, despite all the warning signs going off left and right, even imagine a future that’s not exactly on our destructive path we’re currently on. Not to speak of the fact that more lanes never eases traffic long term. Just truly mind-boggling how

The GOP really has become a death cult. There’s zero denying at this point.

Yeah, more lanes does not make traffic better, it’s actually the inverse that happens.

Well said (zero snark).

Yup. Thieves (legal).

Plus, it’s not like they just got a million dollar + tax cut thrown in the stimulus bill this past month, on top of the last tax cuts in 2018/19.

Oh wait, they did? 

I hope you’re right (of the outcome, not the way to get there).


Well, we now have her on record saying this..?

You continue to brighten my days, thank you.

I stand corrected (I thought it was ‘08 and later).

You can always spot the fascists that way.

Early 997s still need the IMS done, and that price is likely a salvage title. They currently go for 32k or so, in decent condition, for a base model 997.

They are always the most affordable on the market place, and many can be found. So he’s got quite a good selection to choose from.

I think it’s having the opposite effect. (anecdotal data, but noone seems to be fucking.)

We must sacrifice our weakest to the gods of capitalism, so that our 401ks will recover quicker!”

I had to drive in a manual through traffic, on the highway, do a full hard braking stop (so the ABS would kick in), park in all the ways possible, and was almost tricked to drive down a one-way by the tester (they do this to see if you pay attention). Also Europe.

This. Plus the convertibles for the 996 go for less than the coupes. And the automatic (tip-tronics) for even less. So he’ll have all the choices going for him.

Most parts stores carry the stuff I need (got a 996 myself). Otherwise order from Pelican Parts or Suncoast Parts. You can get pretty much everything except maybe a full new engine.