
Well, responsible fiscal policy would raise taxes in boom years to have money to bail out bust years. Since the GOP has sworn to ‘never raise taxes’ again, and instead went on a psycho-tax-slashing spree - mainly for the ultra rich, who were so very much hurting before (/s in case you missed it), we’re kinda

Wow, you’re on fire recently! I’m loving it.

Well, we as a society can decide to change that, can’t we?

This. I remember that I’ve read that before, thanks for posting it.

We live in a free society, and with that freedom comes risk. You cannot have your safety and liberty.”

Agreed when it comes to yourself. But your desire here for freedom comes at a cost for others, and that’s kinda where your freedom ends.

That’s really the gist of it: empathy vs. egoism. Not wanting to infect others vs. getting my life/freedom of movement back.

Nah, no rich person is the reason I have my job. And as for the rest of your statement:


Good one.

Oh, you were serious?!

Eat the rich.

Well, good for you (I kinda have a hard time believing that).

Also, armed robberies go deadly when you fight back. And it’s just stuff, which can be replaced.

True, though the chase was unnecessary no matter what. Get the plate info, have the cams film him all the way home, then pick him up without endangering the public. It’s ‘to protect and serve’, after all. Not ‘to intimidate and pursue at all costs’.

You’d still have to deal with the PSTD that stems from shooting somebody. Which, is a lot more to deal with than cancelling your credit cards and ordering new ones.

It works in every other Western Country.

It makes for good TV. And the steroids might be part of it.

This is the most reasonable take on here today.

Or you get shot.

He was not a criminal, he yelled in a parking lot.

Umm, yelling in public is protected by the 1st amendment. (One could argue that a Walmart Parking lot is not a public place, in which case their security can ask the person yelling to leave the premises).

This is a garbage take.

Which would’ve resulted in a shoot-out, likely both being injured/dead, and maybe even struck a bystander or two. Smart.. /s

This is a bad take.

You’re not wrong.