

I made Schnitzel for the first time last night, it was the bomb.

Yes. Plus the oversight position for the stimulus has been eliminated/fired, thus it’s a free-for-the-chosen-few.

Well, at least, we got hidden tax breaks for the rich:

Gotta keep a bit for the next day, and the one after that, and the one...

Doing the same here. Rationing out my work.

Oh wow, did you get your ass handed to you, just now.


To the OP: Imagine how ridiculous you sound when even an anarchist tells you to obey the f... stay at home order.

Thanks Bill.

Well, turns out the majority was right in this case. It is concern trolling at best, but that’s with giving him a ton of lee-way.
You know, after a while, the mechanisms of how concern trolls (or racist trolls in this case) function are quickly and easily spotted. Just like in this case. Ignoring all good answers,

Well said.

Exactly. Textbook. Boring af.

That poor victim of ‘being called a racist’ shows zero interest in learning, despite the many great explainers why his take is wrong.

So, the label ‘racist’ fits in this case.

You posted under what is likely your other account: “icouldntfindaclevername”. The syntax is the same, argument is the same, the example is the same.
Either you all go by a very detailed script, or this is your second account.

Regardless, you chose to ignore all the good explainers to you why your take is garbage,

Yup. Sent him a nice explainer yesterday in the same discussion on the other post, he seems to not even do the laziest of looking for an explanation, instead doubling down, showing that he’s willfully ignorant.

He’s sadly not interested in learning. I had the same discussion with him yesterday. No progress on his side.

I see you ignored my reading proposal from yesterday, otherwise you’d not ask the same question again (make the same silly argument). This shows that sadly your ‘I’m just asking a question’ is dishonest at best.

Too bad.

Misogyny runs deep.

How so?
You’ve done nothing but hurl insults. I’ll give it a 2/10 for trolling. Try better.

Oh, and thanks for the luck. I might need some at some point, but I’ll gladly share it around with anyone that needs it.

Well, Iran is one example. And why would Iran tweak their life expectancy numbers, or rather, what would be their interest in doing so (meaning, why would Iran but not the US)?

I’m well aware that many a factor play into life expectancy. But seeing as how the US is the richest country in the world, one would expect the