
I get that, it’s still ignorant at best. And I provided reading material for him to figure out why (see later comment).

Ditto on “Man you’re making this tedious”.

I hope you are right regarding the curve in the US. Less death, less devastation. I just don’t think we’re through yet.

Taxpayer? Health insurance, which we all pay for, should cover a birth, as it is these days a medical procedure. After all, most people can get boner-pills covered by their insurance. Hypocrisy much?


Here, read this student newspaper article, as it explains it nicely:

I kinda dig your screen name, but no, you’re wrong here.

It kinda is.
You are basically putting the blame of the usage of the slur onto black people, while completely ignoring historical context nor acknowledging the racial context of white people using said word.
As an analogy: A woman calling her female friends ‘bitches’ is vastly different from me calling the same women

Yeah, no. Educate yourself. This is a garbage take.

This. Thank you for stating it so clearly.

Same in LA.

Let’s unpack this, shall we?

- NYC is peaking right now. At numbers that are what, second highest death numbers in the world, or was it third? This is a city of 8.7 million people. Italy has 80 million. We are currently behind in deaths per populace, but we’re catching up fast.

- The spread to other parts of the US is

Yeah, we’re nowhere near the peak for most parts of the US. So, tread with caution with making those statements.

As for personal care, no other country has a system that leaves their citizens in huge debt after a medical emergency. It’s a stupid way to approach looking out for your citizens, as you’d rather have them

Which ones have higher death rates? The US is on a dark path to being number 1 in that regard, and we’re surely going to be (by far) the number 1 when it comes to personal bankruptcy due to medical costs coming out of Covid-19. And likely the only developed country to have that issue.

Funny how that for-profit health care system functions fantastically..


My exact thoughts...

Switzerland does that too, after a certain threshold of speeding.

This. It’s a hugely polluting business which avoids paying taxes and violates any worker protections. We’re all better off with cruises being a thing of the past.

See voter suppression in Wisconsin. That’s how.

How many days/weeks until she switches parties?


There has never been a woman in history with that haircut that didn’t act like a Karen.