928s, what beautiful beasts.
928s, what beautiful beasts.
Renault 5 Turbo. I even got to ride in it.
It’s American Enterprise Institue, a right-wing think tank. See those three letters in the bottom right corner?
They claim to base their ‘graph’ on numbers provided by the BLS, but come to problematic conclusions, as others in this thread have stated eloquently.
I wholly agree with this.
This. 100%
Add in the 16 billion after the idiot put the tariffs in place, and we’re getting closer. And yes, the main recipients are large farms.
As for subsidies in general, yes, fossil fuels, every pentagon contract, and the propping up of the finance system.
It’s funny how cheap the con is, yet scary how effective it’s been…
Oh, change it will. For the worse.
Ugh.. Yup.
While relying on government subsidies?
“Them welfare kings/queens are driving Mercedes..” and all that.
Yeah, the war on drugs has worked so well since, well, since Reagan. Same as trickle-down. It’ll eventually work, we promise.
I hope they sue the insurance company for every last penny.
Except voting for the devil.
1: Yeah, we tried it once, didn’t work, let’s stop trying then.
That’s not an approach worthy of anything.
2: As we can currently see, spending trillions is no big deal. Long term, it would mean savings as maintaining rail infrastructure is vastly cheaper than roads. And to claim that personal automobiles are effective…
You’re not wrong.
1. Amtrak is poorly run, if by design or by accident, I don’t know/care. Enough people are happy it runs the way it does. But it ties into my point 2:
2. Car transportation in the US comes at a huge cost to every person. What do you spend on a car per month? It’s likely somewhere in the 400-600$ on average. What’s not…
Yeah, let’s fix the infrastructure that’s crumbling under the sheer amount of traffic, add a few lanes in the hopes that it will eventually ease traffic (it never does, multiple studies - shown here on Jalopnik even - show that).
Again: The biggest amount of driving is commuting to work. This is within manageable…
Nah, dude.
First of all, too many private as well as lobby interests have been working forever to gut public transport in the US, ever since the 20s. (Remember what Downtown LA used to look like, before it was bought in the 20s by a Tire and Oil baron and gutted?). This has been going on ever since oil became such a…
Ps: I’m subsidizing your fossil fuels, your farming products, your army and your war. And I’m not even allowed to vote. So, don’t ever come with that argument here, as the other option you have is to leave a functioning society behind and go fend on your own.