
Read my response to Pseudonymous. Create hubs in the city centers, then have local train lines running outwards, covering all directions. Then have ample stops on these train lines. Then have bus lines from each stop going into the neighborhoods. It’s easily doable. The will just isn’t there (nor is the imagination).

I mean, suburbs could be connected with train networks (similar to how Switzerland has S-Bahns) with trains running in 20 minute intervals, stopping every two minutes to pick up folks to transport them to the main train hub. From these suburban train lines you could have busses on designated lanes (this is important,

They’re robots.

Roughly 80 percent of Americans live in urban areas. These are facts (and they tend to have a liberal bias). It makes sense.

I don’t call for a shutdown of private transport - I myself enjoy my car immensely - but for commuting public transport makes more sense (and is more enjoyable too, as one can read, drink a

Thank god for Mother Jones.

Subscribe, we need journalism of their kind these days.

I agree, except use the tax money for public transport. It’s the only way towards a livable future.

1st gear:
We’ve been seeing the push-through of many despicable policies and changes by this administration in the past two weeks, using the crisis as a smokescreen to further their reactionary agenda: attacks on abortion rights, transgender rights, the elimination of pollution limits, tax breaks for the 1% (new

We all have a death wish?

(I’m pulling at straws here...)

Fascism always has a deathwish.

It’s a tad too ‘Y’all-quaeda”, using a school to indoctrinate the youths and fight a political fight.

Your little cousin might’ve just had his life saved, at least his sanity.

I ask myself that daily..

I’d watch that.

Nah, but tax cuts during boom times are bad. That’s Econ 101. When it’s booming, you fill the coffers to prepare for when it’s recession time. So that social institutions then are there and fully staffed to deal with the increase in unemployment and all that.

I mean, we learned that in 10th grade. 

I would agree, having driven extensively in Italy (though in the North, mainly). There’s an order to the madness, a system that takes a while to understand, but once you get it it just flows.

Any Porsche is better when driven regularly.

Yeah, they’re business-friendly in the ways autocratic rulers are. Meaning, cronyism, self-enrichment, the like.


Wait, your argument is that you’d rather have less public involvement, then cite a bunch of instances where private corporations fleeced the taxpayers to then abandon the project (basically making out the private corporation as both tricksters that fleece the public without any need for the ‘needed public subsidies’,

A moron is an understatement.

He’s a misanthrope, yet somehow people thought he’d be a good fit to be in charge of people.
The fox guarding the hen house. Or something.